(辽宁科技大学 电子与信息工程学院, 鞍山 114051)
Fire Safety Awareness Propagation on Campus Under Lotka-Volterra System
(School of Electronics and Information Engineering, University of Science and Technology, Anshan 114051, China)
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Received:September 22, 2014    Revised:November 14, 2014
中文摘要: 高校消防安全关系到高校和谐稳定和学生生命财产安全, 而高校火灾事故频发率主要与学生自身的消防安全意识息息相关. 首先采用Lotka-Volterra(LV)模型, 根据消防安全意识的差别, 将学生分为意识上理性和危险的两个相互作用的群体. 其次, 通过对消防安全意识传播模型的研究和仿真分析, 找出符合目前高校消防安全的实际情况与理想目标的平衡点, 指出该模型的平衡状态与竞争系数密切相关, 并通过对参数的改进来优化该模型结构. 最后, 提出加强高校消防安全文化建设, 适时展开消防安全演练等措施来控制引导高校学生的理性消防安全意识, 抑制和消除高校学生的危险消防安全意识, 从而有效地减少和避免高校的消防安全隐患和事故.
Abstract:The fire safety relates to the harmony and stability of universities and college students' lives and property security, while frequency of fire accident on campus is closely related with the fire safety awareness of students. Lotka-Volterra(LV) model is first introduced in this paper, according to the differences of fire safety awareness, awareness of students can be divided into the rational and hazardous on the interaction between the two groups. Secondly, through simulation and analysis of the model to find the balance point in accordance with the actual situation and the ideal target on campus and the results show that the equilibrium state is related with the competitive factors, then through the improvement of the parameters to optimize the model structure. Finally, pointing out that strengthening the construction of university fire safety culture, commencing fire safety drills and other measures timely could control and guide students rational fire safety awareness, inhibit and eliminate hazardous fire safety awareness of students, which can reduce and avoid the security risks and accidents effectively.
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YANG Chen-Fei,CHEN Xue-Bo,SUN Qiu-Bai.Fire Safety Awareness Propagation on Campus Under Lotka-Volterra System.COMPUTER SYSTEMS APPLICATIONS,2015,24(6):121-126