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Received:March 19, 2024 Revised:April 19, 2024
Received:March 19, 2024 Revised:April 19, 2024
中文摘要: 针对农村地区生活垃圾的产生特点, 考虑生活垃圾分类下的可变收运周期, 构建以最小化运输成本、车辆延迟到达惩罚成本和环境惩罚成本的多目标生活垃圾收运路径优化模型. 利用随机选择法、最近邻法相结合以重构解空间, 使用带变邻域的模拟退火算法对模型进行求解. 通过算例仿真及对比分析可知, 本文模型和算法在收运总成本和总距离方面有较好的优化效果, 均优于经典模拟退火算法和变邻域搜索算法的最优解. 相较于传统的固定周期收运方案, 本文所建立模型减去了环境污染成本, 同时在总成本上改进超110.4%, 可较好地解决农村地区垃圾收运路径优化问题.
Abstract:According to the characteristics of rural household garbage generation, a multi-objective garbage collection and transportation path optimization model is constructed to minimize transportation cost, vehicle delay penalty cost, and environmental penalty cost, considering the variable collection and transportation cycle of domestic waste classification. The solution space is reconstructed with the combination of random choice method and nearest neighbor method, and the simulated annealing algorithm with variable neighborhood is used to solve the model. Through case simulation and comparative analysis, it can be seen that the proposed model and algorithm have good optimization results in terms of total collection and transportation cost and total distance. Based on the analysis, the results in this study are also superior to the optimal solutions of the classical simulated annealing algorithm and variable neighborhood search algorithm. Compared with the traditional fixed cycle collection and transportation scheme, the model established in this study subtracts the environmental pollution cost and modifies the total cost by more than 110.4%, which can effectively solve the problem of garbage collection and transportation path optimization in rural areas.
keywords: rural household garbage collection and transportation environmental pollution variable delivery cycle variable neighborhood search algorithm simulated annealing algorithm
文章编号: 中图分类号: 文献标志码:
基金项目:重庆市研究生科研创新项目(CYS23520); 绿色物流智能技术重庆市重点实验室项目
AI Yu.Application of Variable Neighborhood Simulated Annealing Algorithm in Rural Household Garbage Collection and Transportation.COMPUTER SYSTEMS APPLICATIONS,2024,33(9):192-200
AI Yu.Application of Variable Neighborhood Simulated Annealing Algorithm in Rural Household Garbage Collection and Transportation.COMPUTER SYSTEMS APPLICATIONS,2024,33(9):192-200