(1.南瑞集团有限公司(国网电力科学研究院有限公司), 南京 211106;2.南京南瑞信息通信科技有限公司, 南京 211106;3.东南大学 网络空间安全学院, 南京 211189)
GPS Spoofing Detection with Base Station Assistance in Power 5G Terminals
(1.NARI Group Corporation (State Grid Electric Power Research Institute), Nanjing 211106, China;2.NARI Information & Communication Technology Co. Ltd., Nanjing 211106, China;3.School of Cyber Science and Engineering, Southeast University, Nanjing 211189, China)
本文已被:浏览 785次   下载 7872
Received:September 26, 2021    Revised:October 25, 2021
中文摘要: 电力能源的安全在国家安全中占有重要的地位. 随着电力5G通信技术的发展, 大量电力终端产生定位需求. 传统GPS定位方法存在易受欺骗的问题, 如何有效提升GPS定位的安全性成为一个亟待研究的问题. 本文提出了一种基于基站辅助的电力5G终端GPS欺骗检测算法, 利用安全性较高的基站定位来检验可能被欺骗的GPS定位, 并且引入了一致性因数用来描述GPS定位结果和基站定位结果的一致性. 通过计算一致性因数, 如果大于设定的阈值则判断发生欺骗, 反之则GPS工作正常. 实验表明, 在使用本论文模型情况下, 本算法的准确率为99.98%, 优于传统机器学习分类算法. 此外, 本方法在运行速度上相较于传统机器学习分类算法也有一定程度的提升.
Abstract:The security of electric energy plays an important role in national security. With the development of power 5G communication, a large number of power terminals have positioning demand. The traditional global positioning system (GPS) is vulnerable to spoofing. How to improve the security of GPS effectively has become an urgent problem. This study proposes a GPS spoofing detection algorithm with base station assistance in power 5G terminals. It uses the base station positioning with high security to verify the GPS positioning that may be spoofed and introduces the consistency factor (CF) to measure the consistency between GPS positioning and base station positioning. If CF is greater than a threshold, the GPS positioning is classified as spoofed. Otherwise, it is judged as normal. The experimental results show that the accuracy of the algorithm is 99.98%, higher than that of traditional classification algorithms based on machine learning. In addition, our scheme is also faster than those algorithms.
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GONG Liang-Liang,CHEN Zhen-Ang,ZHANG Ying,LYU Chao,HE Li-Yuan,LUO Xian-Nan,QIN Zhong-Yuan.GPS Spoofing Detection with Base Station Assistance in Power 5G Terminals.COMPUTER SYSTEMS APPLICATIONS,2022,31(5):371-376