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Received:September 29, 2021 Revised:October 25, 2021
Received:September 29, 2021 Revised:October 25, 2021
中文摘要: 相量测量单元(phasor measurement unit, PMU)时序数据在支撑电网安全稳定运行中发挥了重要作用, 而随着电网调控云建设, 电网运行数据统计分析等业务对PMU时序数据的云端共享提出了需求. 本文提出了一种面向PMU时序数据的云边协同技术, 该技术针对PMU时序数据的存储和访问特性, 构建数据协同模型架构, 实现PMU时序数据从电网调度系统生产控制区边缘节点汇集到调控云, 并通过模型化的方式进行共享. 通过在测试环境下进行实施和测试, 验证了该技术的可行性.
Abstract:The phasor measurement unit (PMU) time series data is effective in supporting the safe and stable operation of the power grid. Nevertheless, as the power grid dispatching and control cloud is constructed, services such as statistical analysis of data on power grid operation request the sharing of PMU time series data on the cloud. This study proposes a cloud-edge collaboration technology for such data. The technology builds an architecture of a data collaboration model according to the storage and access characteristics of PMU time series data so that data of this type are collected from the nodes at the edge of the production control area in the power grid dispatching system to the dispatching and control cloud and shared in a model manner. The feasibility of the proposed technology is verified through implementation and testing in a test environment.
keywords: phasor?measurement?unit (PMU) cloud-edge collaboration time series data data sharing edge computing big data
文章编号: 中图分类号: 文献标志码:
ZHENG Xiao-Lu,ZHANG Ke-Heng,CHEN Peng,WANG Yu-Jun.Cloud-edge Collaboration Technology for Power Grid PMU Time Series Data.COMPUTER SYSTEMS APPLICATIONS,2022,31(7):356-364
ZHENG Xiao-Lu,ZHANG Ke-Heng,CHEN Peng,WANG Yu-Jun.Cloud-edge Collaboration Technology for Power Grid PMU Time Series Data.COMPUTER SYSTEMS APPLICATIONS,2022,31(7):356-364