(北京工商大学 计算机与信息工程学院, 北京 100048)
Adaptive Configuration Strategy on LoRa Networks for Multi-Heterogeneous IoT Applications
(School of Computer and Information Engineering, Beijing Technology and Business University, Beijing 100048, China)
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Received:January 22, 2020    Revised:February 27, 2020
中文摘要: 前针对LoRa组网技术的研究主要受单一应用需求驱动, 可配置参数利用率低, 网络性能存在进一步优化的空间. 随着异构多类型IoT业务传输需求的日益增长, 优化网络的性能使之能够适应多类型业务显得尤为重要. 针对上述问题, 本文提出了一种基于模拟退火遗传算法的动态LoRa传输参数自适应配置策略, 在能耗约束的条件下可实现对多种异构业务的数据传输需求, 并可提高单网关网络可支持的终端设备数量和数据吞吐量. 基于LoRaSim的仿真结果表明: 与传统ADR (Adaptive Data Rate)相比, 本文所提方法的平均吞吐量提高了25.6%; 对于超过1000台终端设备的单网关LoRa网络, 当每个设备分组生成率小于1/100 s时, 网络的实际分组交付率(Packet Delivery Rate, PDR)超过90%. 该方法可适应多种异构业务的数据传输需求并在有效提高数据吞吐量的同时保证各业务的PDR.
中文关键词: 物联网应用  LoRa  参数配置  吞吐量  网络容量
Abstract:So far, most researches on LoRa technology are about single-application oriented IoT, low utilization of configurable parameters leaves room for further optimization of network performance. In order to adapt to the growing transmission requirements of heterogeneous multi-type services, it is increasing essential to optimize the performance of the LoRa network. To address the above issue, a dynamic parameters adaptive configuration strategy based on simulated annealing genetic algorithm is proposed, which can improve the number of end devices and data throughput supported by single gateway LoRa network while limiting energy consumption. The simulation results based on LoRaSim reveal that the proposed method outperforms ADR by 25.6%. By simulating the single gateway LoRa network of nearly over 1000 devices, the experimental results show that when packet generation rate 1/100 s, dynamic parameters adaptive configuration strategy proposed in this study can guarantee PDR above 90%. This method can adapt to the data transmission needs of multi-heterogeneous applications and effectively improve the data throughput while ensuring the PDR of each applications.
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基金项目:北京市自然科学基金-海淀原始创新联合基金(L182007); 国家自然科学基金(61702020)
CAI Qing-Song,LIN Jia,XIA Chen-Yi,WU Jie.Adaptive Configuration Strategy on LoRa Networks for Multi-Heterogeneous IoT Applications.COMPUTER SYSTEMS APPLICATIONS,2020,29(11):1-10