(1.中国船舶工业系统工程研究院, 北京 100094;2.海丰通航科技有限公司, 北京 100070;3.中国科学院 软件研究所, 北京 100190)
Flight Deck Aviation Support Job Detection Based on Video Event
(1.Systems Engineering Research Institute, Beijing 100094, China;2.Haifeng General Aviation Technology Co. Ltd., Beijing 100070, China;3.Institute of Software, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing 100190, China)
本文已被:浏览 1346次   下载 2333
Received:October 21, 2019    Revised:November 20, 2019
中文摘要: 大型舰船舰面保障作业指大型舰船携带的飞机从降落至舰面到起飞离舰的整个过程涉及的所有作业. 大型舰船舰面保障作业检测是个很有挑战的问题. 其难点是检测同一视频场景中并发的参与者位置交叉的保障作业. 本文提出一种基于视频事件的大型舰船舰面保障作业检测方法. 该方法将舰面保障作业视为更小粒度保障作业按一定约束构成的复杂事件. 先采用基于轨迹层次聚类的保障作业结构提取算法, 确定场景内保障作业的组合层次关系及各保障作业的参与者; 再采用基于作业模型的保障作业识别算法, 逐层识别保障作业类型. 实验结果表明, 本文方法取得良好的舰面保障作业检测效果, 可检测同一视频场景中并发的参与者位置交叉的保障作业.
Abstract:The Flight Deck Aviation Support Job (FDASJ) on the large ship cover all the activities happening during the period from the airplane landing on the ship to the airplane taking off from the ship. It has been a challenge problem to detect the FDASJ based on videos. The difficulty is to detect multi-FDASJs occurring in the same scene during the same time period, participants of which are located alternatively. In this study, we propose an FDASJ detection method based on video event. The FDASJ is represented as the complex event composed of the fine-grained FDASJs. The FDASJ structure extraction algorithm based on trajectory hierarchical clustering is first adopted to determine the hierarchical combination relationship between FDASJs and the participators of each FDASJ; the FDASJ identification algorithm based on activity model is performed to identify the FDASJs. Experimental results show that the proposed method achieves sound performance and could detect multi-FDASJs occurring in the same scene during the same time period, participants of which are located alternatively.
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GUO Xue-Kun,LI Xiao-Yan,QIN Yuan-Hui,WANG Hong-An.Flight Deck Aviation Support Job Detection Based on Video Event.COMPUTER SYSTEMS APPLICATIONS,2020,29(7):24-32