(1.潍柴动力股份有限公司 企业管理与信息化部, 潍坊 261000;2.河北工业大学 经济管理学院, 天津 300401)
Analysis of Background Features in Moving Object Detection for Industrial Scenes
(1.Department of Enterprise Management and Information Technology, Weichai Power Co. Ltd., Weifang 261000, China;2.School of Economics and Management, Hebei University of Technology, Tianjin 300401, China)
本文已被:浏览 1742次   下载 1901
Received:July 25, 2017    Revised:August 15, 2017
中文摘要: 随着现代制造业对产品质量、生产效率和操作安全性要求的提高,视频监控在现代制造业中的应用越来越广泛,对视频处理的精度与速度要求也越来越高.运动目标检测是视频理解和分析的基础,因此面向工业场景的运动目标检测算法一直是一个研究热点.作为算法的重要组成部分,运动目标检测所用到的背景特征在以往并没有受到足够的重视.为此本文,从像素数据和已有算法中获取背景特征,给出相关特征和数据的可视形态表示,支持更直观的方式辅助获取这些背景特征之间的关系,进一步给出背景特征模型,同时本文得到的背景特征关系可以指导算法设计.
Abstract:As the increased demand of modern manufacturing industry for product quality, production efficiency, and operation safety, video monitoring technology has been used more and more widely, which requires better precision and higher speed for video processing technology. Detecting moving object is the foundation for understanding and analyzing the video. Therefore, the algorithm for detecting moving object under industry background has been a hot research topic. Nevertheless, as an important component of this algorithm, the background features used in the moving object detection technologies have not received enough attention. Therefore, in this study, we demonstrate how to utilize visualization technology to extract the background features from the given pixel data and existing algorithm and then visualize the related features and data, which will help to obtain the relationships among these background features in a more straightforward way so that we can further explore them. The relationships among these background features can also be used for guiding algorithm design.
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GAO Qing,CUI You-Chang.Analysis of Background Features in Moving Object Detection for Industrial Scenes.COMPUTER SYSTEMS APPLICATIONS,2018,27(6):1-11