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Received:May 06, 2010 Revised:May 30, 2010
Received:May 06, 2010 Revised:May 30, 2010
中文摘要: 从无线传感器网络的实际应用中的硬件构件成本及节点定位代价最小化出发,利用DV-Hop 算法思想提出一种无需真实物理信标节点的无需测距节点定位算法。该算法利用高斯-马尔可夫移动模型的Sink 节点周期性地发出当前位置信息分组,节点收到相应的位置信息分组时,利用RSSI 的对数-常态分布模型计算与当前Sink节点的距离。节点根据RSSI 精度门限值是否符合要求提升为虚拟信标节点。实验仿真验证了该定位算法的有效性和可行性。
Abstract:A range-free algorithm based on mobile sink node and DV-Hop localization scheme is proposed in order to decrease the hardware cost and implement complexity of WSN, the sink node mobiles in the network field based on Gauss - Markov mobility model, and sends location information periodically. Nodes sensing the information will compute the distance between sink and itself based on log-normal distribution model of RSSI. Those nodes who received more than 3 pieces of location information in short distance will be updated as virtual nodes. At last, the algorithm's efficacious and feasible was proved by the simulation experimental results.
文章编号: 中图分类号: 文献标志码:
基金项目:基金项目:海市信息安全综合管理技术研究重点实验室开放课题; 福建省科技计划项目(2008F5020); 福建省教育厅重点资助项目(JA07030); 福建省自然科学基金 (2008J0014).
ZHONG Jin-Fa,XU Li,YE A-Yong,HUANG Chen-Zhong.Localization Algorithm Based on Virtual Beacon Nodes.COMPUTER SYSTEMS APPLICATIONS,2011,20(1):52-56
ZHONG Jin-Fa,XU Li,YE A-Yong,HUANG Chen-Zhong.Localization Algorithm Based on Virtual Beacon Nodes.COMPUTER SYSTEMS APPLICATIONS,2011,20(1):52-56