(中国科学技术大学 管理学院, 合肥 230026)
Application of Hybrid Memetic Algorithm to Vehicle Routing Problem with Loading Constraints
(School of Management, University of Science and Technology of China, Hefei 230026, China)
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Received:January 20, 2021    Revised:February 23, 2021
中文摘要: 带有回程取货约束的车辆路径问题(Vehicle Routing Problem with Backhauls, VRPB)和二维装箱问题(two-dimensional Bin Packing Problem, 2L-BPP)是两个经典的组合优化问题, 在融合两者的基础上, 本文提出了一种新的组合最优化问题, 即2L-VRPB. 在该问题中, 车队的最优路径规划和货物的最优装载设计需要同时进行考虑, 该问题的优化目标是在满足所有客户的送货和取货需求的前提下, 为车队中的车辆制定尽可能最优的行驶路线和货物装载方案, 使得车队的总的服务成本最低. 该问题在实际生活中有着广泛的应用场景, 例如在设备维修和零售行业的货物运输中可经常遇到此类情形, 但是文献中关于此类问题的研究论文仍然较少. 为了求解2L-VRPB问题, 我们提出了一种具有自适应性机制的混合模因算法(HMA), 该算法采用改进的模因算法(IMA)来规划最优路径, 并通过增强的组合装箱算法(MultiPack)来设计货物的最优装载方案. 在实验环节, 通过在VRPB问题的Goetschalckx & Jacobs-Blecha测试算例和2L-VRPB 问题的Gendreau测试算例上设计对比实验, 我们验证了混合模因算法在求解VRPB和2L-VRPB问题时的鲁棒性和有效性.
Abstract:This work studies a new practical combinatorial optimization problem (known as 2L-VRPB) which combines the classic Vehicle Routing Problem with Backhauls (VRPB) and two-dimensional Bin Packing Problem (2L-BPP). The 2L-VRPB aims to find the route set at the minimum cost for a homogeneous fleet of vehicles to satisfy the delivery requirements of linehaul customers and the pickup demands of backhaul customers. This study investigates two versions of the 2L-VRPB. Both versions are loaded with unrestricted loading, but one is packed with rotation while the other is not. These two variants are frequently employed in the industry of appliance maintenance service and grocery, but they have been less examined in the literature. To solve these two variants, we propose a metaheuristic integrating an enhanced memetic algorithm with a combinatorial packing heuristic. The packing algorithm checks the loading feasibility by employing five basic packing heuristics with two additional improvement strategies. Extensive computational experiments show that the proposed metaheuristic is a practical and effective solution to both VRPB and 2L-VRPB.
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WANG Yang-Guang,CHEN Zhen.Application of Hybrid Memetic Algorithm to Vehicle Routing Problem with Loading Constraints.COMPUTER SYSTEMS APPLICATIONS,2021,30(11):127-137