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Received:December 15, 2020 Revised:January 18, 2021
Received:December 15, 2020 Revised:January 18, 2021
中文摘要: 随着云计算技术的飞速发展, 越来越多的数据相关服务需要通过云平台来实现. 国家科学微生物数据中心目前已建立了以云计算为基础的生物信息分析的数据平台, 为了解决平台用户进行文件上传时可能面临的效率、安全、稳定等一系列问题, 本文在分片上传、断点续传等技术的基础上, 提出一种根据带宽时延积选择并发线程数的传输方案, 解决了受意外中断时文件需要全部重新上传的问题, 提升了多线程上传时的带宽资源利用效率, 提高了大文件的传输效率.
Abstract:With the rapid development of cloud computing technology, more and more data-related services need to be implemented through cloud platforms. The National Microbiology Data Center has established a data platform for bioinformatics analysis based on cloud computing. To address the problems related to efficiency, security, stability, etc. that users of the platform may face when uploading files, this paper presents a transmission scheme for selecting the number of concurrent threads according to the bandwidth-delay product based on the technologies of piecewise upload and broken-point continuingly-transferring. This scheme solves the problem that all files need to be re-uploaded when accidentally interrupted and improves the utilization efficiency of bandwidth resources during multi threaded upload and the transfer efficiency of large files.
文章编号: 中图分类号: 文献标志码:
基金项目:国家重点研发计划(2016YFC0901702, 2017YFD0400302, 2016YFC1200804, 2017YFC1201202); 中国科学院战略性先导科技专项(A类) (XDA19050301)
SHI Ruo-Xi,MA Jun-Cai,TIAN Yuan-Jing,ZHANG Jian-Yuan.Multi-Thread Transmission Scheme of Large Files in Biological Data Analysis Platform.COMPUTER SYSTEMS APPLICATIONS,2021,30(9):317-321
SHI Ruo-Xi,MA Jun-Cai,TIAN Yuan-Jing,ZHANG Jian-Yuan.Multi-Thread Transmission Scheme of Large Files in Biological Data Analysis Platform.COMPUTER SYSTEMS APPLICATIONS,2021,30(9):317-321