(长安大学 信息工程学院,西安 710064)
Attribute-Based Searchable Encryption Scheme and Attribute Update in VANET
(School of Information Engineering, Chang’an University, Xi’an 710064, China)
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Received:May 30, 2020    Revised:June 23, 2020
中文摘要: 目前, 车载自组网(VANET)在汽车行业和研究领域都得到了极大的关注, 尤其是在用户的隐私保护方面. 雾计算是云计算的延伸, 它能够有效的减小网络延迟, 其反应性更强. 相较云计算, 使用雾计算减少了发送到云端和从云端发送的数据量, 安全风险也得到了进一步的降低. 由于基于密文策略的加密(CP-ABE)适用于存储在云上的数据的细粒度的访问控制以及基于关键字的可搜索加密可以使用户快速查找存储在云服务器上的感兴趣数据和不泄露任何搜索关键字的信息. 因此, 本文提出了基于属性的可搜索加密和属性更新, 它是将基于属性的加密方案和关键字搜索加密方案相结合. 该方案支持用户属性更新, 不合法车辆用户不会对存储的数据有访问权限, 从而实现对不合法车辆用户的撤销. 同时它也实现了车-雾-云三者之间的通信, 在通信过程中其将部分加密和解密计算外包给雾节点, 减少了用户的计算代价. 此外, 通过性能分析表明了所提方案在功能性和计算复杂度两方面都具有较好的优势.
Abstract:At present, Vehicle Ad hoc NETworks (VANETs) have received great attention in the automotive industry and research areas, especially in terms of users’ privacy protection. As an extension of cloud computing, fog computing is more reactive since it can effectively reduce network latency. Compared with cloud computing, fog computing decreases the volume of data sent to and from the cloud and further lowers the security risk. Since Ciphertext Policy Attribute-Based Encryption (CP-ABE) is suitable for fine-grained access control of data stored on the cloud and searchable encryption based on keywords, users can quickly find interesting data stored on cloud servers and not leak information about any search keywords. For this reason, we propose attribute-based searchable encryption and attribute update in this study, which is a combination of attribute-based encryption schemes and keyword-search encryption schemes. The proposed scheme supports user attribute update, and illegal vehicle users will not have access to the stored data, thereby realizing the cancellation of illegal vehicle users. At the same time, it also achieves the communication among the vehicles, fog, and cloud. In the communication process, it outsources part of the encryption and decryption calculations to the fog nodes, reducing the users’ calculation cost. In addition, performance analysis shows that the proposed scheme has better advantages in both functionality and computational overhead.
文章编号:     中图分类号:    文献标志码:
ZHANG Lu-Lu,GUANG Xiao-Li,LIU Ji-Zeng.Attribute-Based Searchable Encryption Scheme and Attribute Update in VANET.COMPUTER SYSTEMS APPLICATIONS,2021,30(2):117-124