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Received:June 17, 2019 Revised:July 12, 2019
Received:June 17, 2019 Revised:July 12, 2019
中文摘要: 弹幕评论是网络直播平台与用户交互的主要方式之一,借助弹幕行为的分析可以更有效地实现对网络直播平台的用户理解.通过采集和利用3大热门直播平台(斗鱼、熊猫与战旗)的弹幕相关数据,本文以假设验证的方式从用户属性与用户行为两个角度对在线直播平台用户进行分析与理解,并建立基于用户行为特征时间序列的用户活跃模型对用户互动活跃度进行量化评估.研究表明,平台在线人数具有周期性变化的时间规律,观众地域具有沿海发达城市集中分布的空间取向,所提出的用户活跃模型能够对网络直播平台用户的行为活跃趋势做出合理的预测分析.
Abstract:It is an important communication way for webcast video watchers to produce and consume time-sync comments, which can be beneficial to understand the webcast video users. Based on data related to time-sync comment collected from 3 hot live streaming platforms (Douyu, Panda and Zhanqi), a hypothesis testing based method is proposed to analyze webcast video watchers from user attribute and user behavior, a user activity model is constructed based on user behavior feature time series analysis. Research results show that, the number of live streaming platform online users has obvious characteristics of periodic changes, source of live streaming platform online users tends to be distributed in inshore developed cities, and the proposed user activity model can effectively predict activity of users in live streaming platforms.
文章编号: 中图分类号: 文献标志码:
HUANG Fa-Liang,XIE Guo-Qing,CHEN Zi-Wei.Time-Sync Comments Analyzation for Understanding Subscribers to Live Streaming Services.COMPUTER SYSTEMS APPLICATIONS,2020,29(2):250-256
HUANG Fa-Liang,XIE Guo-Qing,CHEN Zi-Wei.Time-Sync Comments Analyzation for Understanding Subscribers to Live Streaming Services.COMPUTER SYSTEMS APPLICATIONS,2020,29(2):250-256