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Received:January 06, 2019 Revised:February 03, 2019
Received:January 06, 2019 Revised:February 03, 2019
中文摘要: 云计算资源调度是云计算中一个关键且复杂的调度问题,需要考虑众多的因素.为减少任务完成时间,本文提出了一种云资源调度粒子群改进算法.首先,本文在惯性权重线性递减的基础上,加入了混沌随机数扰动,使惯性权重有概率的适度增加,以便于跳出局部搜索,进行全局搜索;其次,针对粒子群算法和蚁群算法都容易陷入局部最优的缺点,结合粒子群算法和蚁群算法的优化策略,提出了一种改进的混合优化策略.其仿真结果及实际算例测试结果表明,在相同条件下改进算法能够寻到更精确的解.
Abstract:Cloud computing resource scheduling is a key and complex scheduling problem in cloud computing, and many factors need to be considered. In order to reduce the time of cloud computing, an Improved Particle Swarm Optimization (IPSO) algorithm is proposed. Based on the linear decreasing inertia weight, the chaotic constant disturbance is added to increase the inertia weight with little probability, so as to get rid of the local search and get the global search. Meanwhile, in order to solve the defect that the two algorithms fall into partial optimization easily, the proposed algorithm combines the optimization strategy of particle swarm optimization and ant colony optimization. The Matlab simulation and the testing of practical examples results show that the improved algorithm can get a more accurate solution under the same condition.
keywords: cloud computing resource scheduling Particle Swarm Optimization (PSO) Linear Decreasing inertia Weight (LDW) chaotic constant disturbance
文章编号: 中图分类号: 文献标志码:
LUO Yun,TANG Li-Qing.Improved Particle Swarm Optimization Algorithm for Cloud Computing Scheduling.COMPUTER SYSTEMS APPLICATIONS,2019,28(7):151-156
LUO Yun,TANG Li-Qing.Improved Particle Swarm Optimization Algorithm for Cloud Computing Scheduling.COMPUTER SYSTEMS APPLICATIONS,2019,28(7):151-156