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(广东电网公司 佛山供电局, 佛山 528000)
Location and Navigation System for Equipment Failure of Power Transmission Line Based on Android
(Foshan Power Supply Bureau, Guangdong Power Grid Company, Foshan 528000, China)
本文已被:浏览 2098次   下载 2160
Received:September 08, 2017    Revised:November 13, 2017
中文摘要: 针对当前高压电力线路跳闸事故应急处理方法步骤繁琐,效率低,耗时长问题,设计并实现了一种基于Android的高压架空线路故障快速定位导航系统.介绍了系统的整体构架和客户端软件结构设计,重点阐述了客户端主界面设计以及载入线路、故障定位、线路导航、信息查询和坐标更新等五大模块的具体实现方法.本系统的实现能够根据高压电力线路故障测距信息精准快速地定位故障杆塔位置,同时具有故障杆塔导航和查看故障设备信息功能,这大大缩短了故障查找时间,提高了应急反应速度和效率,为排除故障,使线路快速恢复供电节省了宝贵的时间,具有较强的实际意义.
Abstract:Aiming at the problem that the emergency treatment of high voltage power transmission line equipment failure is cumbersome, inefficient, and time-consuming, an Android mobile location and navigation system for equipment failure of power tower is designed. The overall architecture of the system and the client software structure are introduced firstly. Then this study focuses on the main interface design and the design of function modules, including loading power tower equipment module, fault location module, navigation module, information query module, and coordinate update module. By using the information of fault equipment, the system can accurately and quickly locate the position of power transmission line equipment failure. Furthermore, the system can directly navigate to the equipment failure of power transmission line and attain the information of faulty devices. As a result, it greatly reduces the finding time of equipment failure, also improves the speed and efficiency of emergency responsibility. So that it can save valuable time for the rapid recovery of power supply with strong practical significance.
文章编号:     中图分类号:    文献标志码:
MAI Jun-Jia.Location and Navigation System for Equipment Failure of Power Transmission Line Based on Android.COMPUTER SYSTEMS APPLICATIONS,2018,27(6):69-74