(1.浙江理工大学 信息学院, 杭州 310018;2.浙江理工大学 理学院, 杭州 310018)
Image-Based Feature Extraction and Dimension Measurement for Human Bodies
(1.School of Information Science and Technology, Zhejiang Sci-Tech University, Hangzhou 310018, China;2.School of Science, Zhejiang Sci-Tech University, Hangzhou 310018, China)
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Received:October 24, 2017    Revised:November 14, 2017
中文摘要: 人体特征点提取和尺寸测量一直是虚拟服装试衣的关键内容.本文在人体图像基础上,通过对ASM算法进行改进实现人体特征点提取以及特征点尺寸测量.首先,算法计算待测图片中人脸和身体两个中心点欧式距离与对应模板进行匹配,改变传统ASM算法单一模板局部模板匹配模式,提高了初次模型匹配的准确率和效率;接着,以特征点为中心选择较少有效邻域点在其灰度训练模型中目标搜索,解决传统ASM方法匹配时间长且特征点易匹配失败问题;另外,针对人体胯部以下区域易出现仅单侧拟合效果较好问题,利用马氏距离公式选择特定矩阵大小邻域范围内点的灰度与灰度模型比较,并且结合人体体型分布及对称性特点进行拟合处理.实验结果表明了该方法能适应复杂背景下人体图像的特征点提取与尺寸测量,提高人体特征点提取和尺寸测量精度.
Abstract:Feature point extraction and dimension measurement for human bodies has always been the key content of virtual garment fitting. Based on the human body image, this study realizes the extraction of human feature points and the size measurement by improving the ASM algorithm. Firstly, it calculates the distance between the two central points of face and body in the image, and matches them to the corresponding template, while changes the local template matching pattern in the traditional ASM algorithm. So the accuracy and efficiency of the initial model matching are improved. Then, it sets the feature point as the center and selects the less effective neighborhood points around the feature point for the object searching in the gray scale training model, which can solve the problem that the traditional ASM method takes long time and the feature points are easy mismatching. To solve that the unilateral fitting effect is better for the lower part of the human crotch, it uses the Mahalanobis distance formula, compares the gray scale of the specific matrix size neighborhood with the gray scale model, and combines with the human body shape distribution and symmetry feature to implement the feature point fitting process. Experimental results show that this method can adapt to the feature point extraction and size measurement of human body image in a complex background, and improve the extraction of human feature points and the accuracy of dimension measurement.
文章编号:     中图分类号:    文献标志码:
XU Ming-Xing,LI Zhong.Image-Based Feature Extraction and Dimension Measurement for Human Bodies.COMPUTER SYSTEMS APPLICATIONS,2018,27(6):87-94