(中山大学 南方学院 电气与计算机工程学院, 广州 510970)
Medicine Delivery Robot System under New Elderly Care Environment
(School of Electrical and Computer Engineering, Nanfang College, Sun Yat-sen University, Guangzhou 510970, China)
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Received:October 09, 2017    Revised:November 01, 2017
中文摘要: 针对室内医疗系统信息化程度低、远程监控不足、药品投递研究偏少和当前系统设备无法满足实际需求等不足,提出了基于云技术与物联网药品投递智能系统框架;采用多核嵌入式系统、RFID、IEEE 802.11通信协议、开放云平台等构建了新型室内医疗系统与药品投送机器人系统;设计了远程移动端和PC端管理系统;构建相关试验环境,对系统与设备的相关性能进行测试,验证系统的合理性与可行性.实验结果表明:网络节点最快的控制周期为48 s/次,平均周期48.3 s/次,系统配送一颗药物平均花费时间4.19 s.系统上传云端数据最快上传储存时间为2.1 s,平均花费5.21 s,通信成功率大于90%.
Abstract:Because of low level of indoor medical information system, lack of remote monitoring, and insufficient medicine delivery research, the current system cannot meet the actual demand. In this study, we proposed an intelligent medicine delivery system framework based on cloud technology and Internet of Things (IoT); set up a new indoor medical and medicine robot delivery system based on embedded system, RFID, IEEE 802.11 communication protocol, and cloud technology. Then, we designed a remote mobile and PC terminal management system. Finally, we constructed the experimental and measured performances of the system and the mobile delivery robot. The experimental results show that the fastest control cycle of network nodes is 48 s per time, and the average period is 48.3 per time. The system delivers a medicine with an average time of 4.19 s. System upload cloud data, the fastest upload storage time is 2.1 s, the average cost is 5.21 s and the communication success rate is greater than 90%.
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CAO Hui-Ru,HUANG Xiao-Feng,XU Jian-Qiang,SHAO Ze-Ning,ZHUANG Jian-Yi.Medicine Delivery Robot System under New Elderly Care Environment.COMPUTER SYSTEMS APPLICATIONS,2018,27(6):220-224