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Received:October 18, 2016
Received:October 18, 2016
中文摘要: 建立高校寝室三维模型,通过CFD软件对室内气流组织进行数值模拟,得到室内人体周围关键点的风速、温度值,以及头部与坐骨周围横向截面的PMV-PPD和空气龄分布.利用PMV-PPD和空气龄指标,分析室内2个不同位置送风情况下对室内人体热舒适性的影响.结果表明,在同样的送风速度下,远离排风口位置的送风口2比靠近排风口位置的送风口1更能够提供好的空气品质、较高的热舒适性和较低的室内温度(低于1-2℃).研究结果可为高校寝室送风口位置的布置提供一定的依据.
Abstract:To establish the three-dimensional model of dormitories in higher institutions, the CFD software is employed to simulate numerically the indoor airflow distribution conducted so that the wind speed and temperature surrounding the human body as well as the PMV-PPD and Mean age of air distribution of the cross section around the human’s head and sciatic nerves can be measured. Specifically, the above-mentioned two indexes PMV-PPD and Mean age of air are supposed to be used in the analysis of the differences caused by the varied positions of two air supply grilles on the human thermal comfort. The statistics collected in this analysis show that with the same wind speed, the air supply grille 2 which is farther away from the air outlet can provide better air quality and higher thermal comfort as well as relatively lower indoor temperature (lower than 1-2 °C) than the supply grille 1 does. The result obtained from this research is able to provide theatrical foundation for the air supply grille installation in dormitories of higher institutions to some extent.
文章编号: 中图分类号: 文献标志码:
WANG Dong-Ping,YOU Zhong-Chao,CHEN Ji-Chen,ZHANG Hua.Thermal Comfort Simulation of Universities Dorm under Different Air Supply Outlet.COMPUTER SYSTEMS APPLICATIONS,2017,26(8):238-242
WANG Dong-Ping,YOU Zhong-Chao,CHEN Ji-Chen,ZHANG Hua.Thermal Comfort Simulation of Universities Dorm under Different Air Supply Outlet.COMPUTER SYSTEMS APPLICATIONS,2017,26(8):238-242