(1.福建师范大学 协和学院信息技术系, 福州 350117;2.福建师范大学 光电与信息工程学院, 福州 350117)
Clustering Time Synchronization Protocol Based on Event Driven for Wireless Sensor Network
(1.Concord College Department of Information Technology, Fujian Normal University, Fuzhou 350117, China;2.College of Photonic and Electronic Engineering, Fujian Normal University, Fuzhou 350117, China)
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Received:July 22, 2015    Revised:September 28, 2015
中文摘要: 针对事件驱动的无线传感器网络,提出一种K覆盖的簇型时间同步算法(K-CTSA).当节点检测到事件发生时,广播事件信息,邻居节点收到广播信息后,从休眠转为激活状态.为了保证监测事件的准确性,必须保证在监测区域的K覆盖.结合模糊逻辑在事件发生区域选举K个节点协同完成任务,并选举一个簇首节点.为了保证监测任务的可靠性,处于激活的节点必须保证时间的同步,簇首与成员节点之间采用最小线性二乘法估算时钟偏移与漂移.实验仿真表明,K-CTSA在保证同步精度的前提下,网络节点生存时间与稳定期都明显优于TPSN协议.
Abstract:In this paper, we propose a K cover clustering time synchronization algorithm(K-CTSA) based on event driven for wireless sensor networks. When events are detected by a node, the node broadcasts event message. The neighbor nodes switch from dormancy to activation after they receive the broadcast message. In order to ensure the accuracy of the monitoring event, K coverage must be guaranteed in the monitoring area. In this paper, we election K nodes in the event area based on fuzzy logic and the K nodes cooperate to complete the task. The K-CTSA algorithm can select a cluster head from the K nodes. In order to ensure the reliability of monitoring tasks, the clock in the active nodes must be synchronized. Clock offset and drift are estimated by using the minimum linear two multiplication between cluster head and intra cluster nodes. Experimental simulation shows that the network node survival time and stability of K-CTSA are obviously better than the TPSN, which under the premise of ensuring the synchronization accuracy.
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XU Shi-Wu,WANG Ping.Clustering Time Synchronization Protocol Based on Event Driven for Wireless Sensor Network.COMPUTER SYSTEMS APPLICATIONS,2016,25(4):162-166