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Received:April 19, 2015 Revised:May 07, 2015
Received:April 19, 2015 Revised:May 07, 2015
中文摘要: 时间可预测性在信息物理系统设计领域正变得越来越重要,目前时间可预测性系统的设计分为编程模型和体系结构两个层次,编程模型的研究往往是基于传统RTOS而提出新的时间模型,体系结构层则是现有体系结构,设计的具有时间属性的指令集、流水线等等.基于时间可预测体系结构PRET和可预测时间模型LET的研究,提出将PRET和LET模型相结合的编程模型,并通过分析和实验证明了这种设计的可行性和优势,进一步证明了时间在系统设计中的重要性.
Abstract:In CPS related embedded system design area, time predictability is becoming increasingly important. The system of time predictability can be divided into two level:the programming level based on the traditional RTOS or platform and the architecture level extended with time behavior. In this paper, based on the research between the predictable architecture and the predictable programming model, and a new programming model based on both PRET(PRecised Timed machine) was proposed. Finally an implementation based on this new model was exhibited, through this exhibition we can find that this new model had advantages to the Giotto model.
文章编号: 中图分类号: 文献标志码:
LI Xiao-Fei,CHEN Xiang-Lan.PRET-Based Programming Model.COMPUTER SYSTEMS APPLICATIONS,2016,25(1):141-145
LI Xiao-Fei,CHEN Xiang-Lan.PRET-Based Programming Model.COMPUTER SYSTEMS APPLICATIONS,2016,25(1):141-145