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Received:April 27, 2013 Revised:July 08, 2013
Received:April 27, 2013 Revised:July 08, 2013
中文摘要: 行星轮系机构简图的自动绘制直接涉及到机械设计的效率和可靠性. 通过对众多行星轮系机构简图的分析,给出了轮系机构图计算机自动绘制的可行性. 采用基于图形离散化的方法,建立了机构图图表和图值矩阵的关联,最终实现了机构简图的计算机自动绘制工作.
Abstract:The automatic drawing of the organizational chart related to the efficiency and reliability of mechanical design. By analyzing a number of mechanism sketches of planetary gear trains, the possibility of automatic drawing institutions sketch is given. Through the methods of discrete the graphic, unit diagram has been obtained. The graphical cell library and the matrix of graphics coding are obtained, and establishment the association between them. Ultimate realized the automatically drawing of organizational chart by computer.
文章编号: 中图分类号: 文献标志码:
SHI Xiao-Ying,JIA Hua-Ping,SU Bian-Ling,ZHANG Peng.Automatic Generation about Mechanism Sketch of Planetary Gear Trains Based on Topology Theory.COMPUTER SYSTEMS APPLICATIONS,2013,22(12):164-167
SHI Xiao-Ying,JIA Hua-Ping,SU Bian-Ling,ZHANG Peng.Automatic Generation about Mechanism Sketch of Planetary Gear Trains Based on Topology Theory.COMPUTER SYSTEMS APPLICATIONS,2013,22(12):164-167