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Received:December 07, 2012 Revised:January 31, 2013
Received:December 07, 2012 Revised:January 31, 2013
中文摘要: 消防水柱的模拟在消防模拟演练中有着广泛的运用. 为了模拟真实的消防水枪喷出水柱的效果, 建立逼真的仿真场景, 提出了一种基于OSG(open scene graph)粒子系统仿真模拟技术, 结合场景真实数据的自定义水粒子模型设计方式. 该模型依据水柱的两个端点间水平距离和高度差数据, 动态的产生水粒子的属性值, 解决了传统模型中水柱不够真实的情况, 实验结果表明, 自定义水柱粒子模型能够真实的模拟消防水枪喷出的水柱, 具有逼真的仿真效果.
Abstract:The Fire water column simulation has been widely used in visual Fire Simulation Training System. To simulate the real Fire water column and establish realistic fire water simulation scene, a user-defined water particles model design method based on OSG particle system and realistic scene data is presented. By computing specific horizontal distance and height difference, dynamically getting the initial attribute of fire water particles, the not real enough condition of fire water column particles is solved.
文章编号: 中图分类号: 文献标志码:
GAO Xing,Mu Rong-Rong,SUN Yong.Research and Application of the Fire Water Column Simulation Based on Particle System in OSG.COMPUTER SYSTEMS APPLICATIONS,2013,22(6):212-215
GAO Xing,Mu Rong-Rong,SUN Yong.Research and Application of the Fire Water Column Simulation Based on Particle System in OSG.COMPUTER SYSTEMS APPLICATIONS,2013,22(6):212-215