(1.仲恺农业工程学院 设备处, 广州 510225;2.仲恺农业工程学院 计算机科学与工程学院, 广州 510225)
Efficient Routing of Wireless Sensor Network based on Dynamic Cognitive PSO
(1.Equipment Office, Zhongkai University of Agriculture and Engineering, Guangzhou 510225, China;2.Institute of Computer Science and Engineering, Zhongkai University of Agriculture and Engineering, Guangzhou 510225, China)
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Received:August 31, 2012    Revised:October 26, 2012
中文摘要: 研究无线传感网络高效节能路由的问题. 无线传感网络中的节点需要使用电池等一次性能源来进行能量供应, 很多恶劣的环境下无法对节点进行能量补充. 传统的无线传感器网络路由协议主要集中在网络质量或者能源解决的某一方面, 保证了网络质量的网络如果网络工作时间较长就有一些节点因为能量耗尽而死亡, 相反如果仅保证能源节约的网络却无法保证网络的质量. 为此提出一种基于动态认知PSO的无线传感网络高效路由的方法, 分析无线网络的架构以后在传感器节点的路由寻找中引入动态认知的PSO算法, 对节点当前的能量状态与路由信息实时监控, 以使路由达到有效均衡的状态. 实验仿真结果证明, 经过本文的路由算法更新的无线网络能量消耗有效降低, 节点出现了较小的死亡率, 网络性能明显提高.
Abstract:This article researches the problem of efficient energy saving in wireless sensor network routing. The nodes in wireless sensor network need primary energy such as battery to supply energy. But it is impossible to provide extra energy supplement in many adverse circumstances. The traditional route protocol of wireless sensor network mainly focuses on the quality of network or energy solving. Some nodes may die when the good quality network works too long. On the contrary, the quality of the network can not be guaranteed if the energy saving has been considered only. Thus this paper proposes a method of high usage route of wireless sensor network based on dynamic epistemic PSO. And a dynamic epistemic PSO algorithm is introduced in searching the route of sensor nodes after the analyzing of the structure of the wireless network, which can realize the real-time monitoring of the current energy state of nodes and the information of route and then achieve the effective balanced state of the routes. The simulation experiments show that through this method, the updated energy consumption of wireless network is reduced efficiently, the death date of nodes is also reduced and the performance of network is improved obviously.
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QIN Yi,QIN Qing-Wei.Efficient Routing of Wireless Sensor Network based on Dynamic Cognitive PSO.COMPUTER SYSTEMS APPLICATIONS,2013,22(4):74-78