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Received:June 04, 2012 Revised:October 11, 2012
Received:June 04, 2012 Revised:October 11, 2012
中文摘要: 二值图像的处理是图像内容分析领域的一个关键环节, 处理效果严重影响图像分析的结果. 以历史文档为处理对象, 提出了基于投影的二值图像处理算法, 通过对投影数组的处理实现灰度图像二值化阈值的合理选取、文档外边框的自动检测和图像污点的自动检测. 实践证明该算法处理效果好, 时间复杂度和空间复杂度低, 是一种切实可行的好方法.
Abstract:The binary image processing is an important tache in the field of image content analysis, which will significantly affect the results of the image processing. In the paper, a new binary image processing algorithm based on projection operator is purposed to deal with the old documents. The rational threshold of binary image is gained through the design and application of projection operator to the gray level image. The border and stain of document can also be automatically detected by the design and application of projection operator to the binary image. It is proved that the binary image process algorithm based on projection operator is a practical and high-efficient method which can decrease time complexity and space complexity greatly.
文章编号: 中图分类号: 文献标志码:
Author Name | Affiliation |
YAO Zhi-Ying | School of Logistics, Beijing Wuzi University, Beijing 101149, China |
CAO Hai-Qing | School of Automation, Beijing Institute of Technology, Beijing 100083, China |
Author Name | Affiliation |
YAO Zhi-Ying | School of Logistics, Beijing Wuzi University, Beijing 101149, China |
CAO Hai-Qing | School of Automation, Beijing Institute of Technology, Beijing 100083, China |
YAO Zhi-Ying,CAO Hai-Qing.Binary Image Processing Algorithm Based on Projection Operator.COMPUTER SYSTEMS APPLICATIONS,2013,22(1):95-97,161
YAO Zhi-Ying,CAO Hai-Qing.Binary Image Processing Algorithm Based on Projection Operator.COMPUTER SYSTEMS APPLICATIONS,2013,22(1):95-97,161