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Received:December 16, 2011 Revised:January 20, 2012
Received:December 16, 2011 Revised:January 20, 2012
中文摘要: 可视性分析在军事和工程领域有着广泛的应用, 可视域计算是可视性分析的重要因子. 首先讨论了可视域计算的常用算法, 分析了各个常用算法的优劣. 并针对大数据量的DEM数据库, 在Xdraw算法的基础上提出了一种改进的Xdraw算法, 大大减少了访问数据库的次数. 然后在实验的基础上从正确性和效率两个方面对该算法进行了分析, 并给出了继续研究的方向.
Abstract:Visibility analysis is widely applied to military and project fields, of which viewshed computing is the important factor. This article discusses the common algorithms for viewshed computing, analyses the advantages and disadvantages of them, and puts forward a improved Xdraw algorithm based on the old one to reduce obviously the frequency of access to database aiming at a large scale DEM database. Then the continuous research direction is shown through analysis of this algorithm from correctness and efficiency in practice.
keywords: visibility viewshed digital elevation model
文章编号: 中图分类号: 文献标志码:
CHAO Yu-Zhong,ZHANG Chun-Ming,ZHANG Lei.Viewshed Algorithm Based on DEM Database.COMPUTER SYSTEMS APPLICATIONS,2012,21(9):68-73
CHAO Yu-Zhong,ZHANG Chun-Ming,ZHANG Lei.Viewshed Algorithm Based on DEM Database.COMPUTER SYSTEMS APPLICATIONS,2012,21(9):68-73