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Received:July 06, 2011 Revised:August 22, 2011
Received:July 06, 2011 Revised:August 22, 2011
中文摘要: 将无线传感网络技术应用到煤矸石自燃的预防监控系统中,设计一个温度监测系统的组网策略,通过实时或定时采集温度,有效监测煤矸石环境,以达到预防自燃的发生。同时针对于无线传感网络能源受限的问题,采用量子遗传算法对网络进行了多目标优化设计。仿真结果表明,该算法优化了能量管理,使网络负载达到平衡。
Abstract:According to the specific circumstances of gangue, a wireless sensor network system is designed combining with the characteristics of wireless sensor networks. It could effectively support the on-time gangue environment parameter detection. With the typical parameters, such temperature, the coal gangue combustion can be prevented effectively. At the same time based on wireless sensor network of energy limited, the quantum genetic algorithm for the network multi-objective optimization is designed. The simulation results show that the energy management is optimized and the network load is balanced.
keywords: coal gangue Spontaneous combustion explosive wireless sensor network Quantum genetic algorithm
文章编号: 中图分类号: 文献标志码:
WANG Yan,LI Hu.Application of Quantum Genetic Algorithm to Coal Gangue Piles Explosive Monitoring.COMPUTER SYSTEMS APPLICATIONS,2012,21(3):193-197
WANG Yan,LI Hu.Application of Quantum Genetic Algorithm to Coal Gangue Piles Explosive Monitoring.COMPUTER SYSTEMS APPLICATIONS,2012,21(3):193-197