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Received:March 19, 2011 Revised:April 11, 2011
Received:March 19, 2011 Revised:April 11, 2011
中文摘要: 固态盘具有低功耗、高性能、耐冲击等优势,硬盘具有高容量、低价格等优势。通过改进文件系统的结构,把固态盘和硬盘结合起来,固态盘作为硬盘的大容量缓存,组成一个我们称之为异构盘的异构系统,其性能接近于固态盘,价格却接近于硬盘。同时,在硬盘有足够空闲时长时,使之关闭以减少能耗。针对大容量缓存,我们采用了合适的树形搜索结构,提出了衰减-增强替换算法获得较高命中率,有效提升存储系统的性能和降低能耗。
Abstract:Compared with traditional hard disk drives (HDDs), solid-state drives (SSDs) are shock-resistant and quieter, and have lower power consumption, lower access time and latency while HDDs have much higher capacity and are cheaper than SSDs. To have the merits of both sides while avoiding their disadvantages, we propose a hetero-drive to combine SSD and HDD by using SSD as a cache for HDD, which creates more idle time for HDD to shut-down for power-saving. At the same time, we put forth a decay-enforcement replacement algorithm (DE algorithm for short) which takes both recency and pastness effect of accesses into account. The experimental results show that our strategy achieves very competitive performance against those traditional buffer replacement algorithms.
文章编号: 中图分类号: 文献标志码:
DOU Shao-Bin,YANG Liang-Huai,GONG Wei-Hua.Effective Energy-Efficient Buffering Scheme for Hetero-Drive.COMPUTER SYSTEMS APPLICATIONS,2011,20(11):99-102,106
DOU Shao-Bin,YANG Liang-Huai,GONG Wei-Hua.Effective Energy-Efficient Buffering Scheme for Hetero-Drive.COMPUTER SYSTEMS APPLICATIONS,2011,20(11):99-102,106