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Received:November 16, 2009 Revised:December 22, 2009
Received:November 16, 2009 Revised:December 22, 2009
中文摘要: 提出一种并行递归分解算法,它有规律地将待演化电路逐步分解直到设计成功,整个过程无需人工干预,提高了电路设计的自动化程度。该算法将目标电路的演化设计过程转化为其多个子电路的并行演化过程,并利用“特长个体”的互补性提高搜索效率。实验表明,该分解策略能有效提高演化逻辑电路的设计效率和成功率。
Abstract:A Parallel and Recursive Decomposition algorithm is proposed. It divides the system into some simple ones regularly until the function is achieved. This decomposition process consequently dispense with human interference. The proposed algorithm regards the sought circuits as many parallel evolving subcomponents and utilizes the complementary of "elitists" during evolution to guide decomposition process. The experimental results show that it greatly enhances the efficiency and hit effort of evolving digital logic circuits.
keywords: evolvable hardware digital logic circuit parallel and recursive decomposition automated circuit design
文章编号: 中图分类号: 文献标志码:
Author Name | Affiliation |
ZHU Ji-Xiang | 武汉大学 软件工程国家重点实验室 湖北 武汉 430072 |
LI Yuan-Xiang |
Author Name | Affiliation |
ZHU Ji-Xiang | 武汉大学 软件工程国家重点实验室 湖北 武汉 430072 |
LI Yuan-Xiang |
ZHU Ji-Xiang,LI Yuan-Xiang.Automated Circuit Design Methodology Using Decomposition Evolution.COMPUTER SYSTEMS APPLICATIONS,2010,19(8):52-56
ZHU Ji-Xiang,LI Yuan-Xiang.Automated Circuit Design Methodology Using Decomposition Evolution.COMPUTER SYSTEMS APPLICATIONS,2010,19(8):52-56