• Volume 21,Issue 6,2012 Table of Contents
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    • >系统建设
    • Construction and Performance Analysis for Cloud Computing Platform Based on the Eucalyptus Open-source Framework

      2012, 21(6):1-5.

      Abstract (1816) HTML (0) PDF 1.23 M (3745) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:The cloud computing platform based on Eucalyptus open-source framework provides on-demand service of hardware resources to users. In this paper, the solutions of cloud infrastructure, network environment and resource management are discussed, and the corresponding cloud environment was constructed. By the comparison of performance between the virtual machine and PC machine in CPU, Memory, Disk I/O, the availability and scalability of the platform were validated.

    • Lightweight Software Partition System

      2012, 21(6):6-10,50.

      Abstract (1910) HTML (0) PDF 1.01 M (3148) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:Nowadays, the NP of Multi-core architecture is being used widely. We bring up a new lightweight software partition method, which improves the capability of integration of different network tasks on one host. Thanks to this system, many different OS can run correctly in the same time on one physical host. First of all, in this article, after the comparison to the mainstream VMM, we propose our idea. And then, we detail our work in three aspect: the partition, the control and the security. Finally, by running the prototype system, we test it and finish the analysis roughly.

    • Research of Integration Platform in BPM Based on SOA

      2012, 21(6):11-15.

      Abstract (1843) HTML (0) PDF 1.29 M (3745) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:Due to historical reasons, business process management systems of domestic enterprises are fragmented in most cases, it is difficult to share data, information, processes, services, and can not support end to end processes cross-system. In order to address the difficulties of achieving the compound process across multi-system and multi-sector, based on SOA design cross-system process integration platform solutions for enterprise information are described in detail according to the current mature technology. Then the design ideas of the platform structure are given, through which data services and business process services can ultimately be shared.

    • File Encryption System Using IBE Service

      2012, 21(6):16-19.

      Abstract (2369) HTML (0) PDF 634.97 K (3949) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:Identity-based public key encryption (short for IBE) system can directly take user's ID as her public key, without need of public key certificate. Comparing to the traditional PKI, IBE is easy to develop and deploy with lower cost. It is specially suited for the enterprises with centralized key management supported. In this paper, a web servicebased IBE key management service system, IBE Service, is firstly proposed, which facilitates users of different security domains to manage IBE keys and provides a user secure policy-centered key service. Based on IBE service, a general file encryption client application is then developed. It utilizes SOAP protocol to implement XML-based IBE key data communications. The proposed new file encryption system can map the receiver's ID as her public key, and the receiver can automatically do decryption by achieving her private key from IBE service. It is more secure, efficient, as well as with flexible ID secure policy supported.

    • Extended Privilege Management Model Based On RBAC

      2012, 21(6):20-24,105.

      Abstract (1772) HTML (0) PDF 1.26 M (3707) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:The article researches models based on RBAC, and then introduces several design principles, aiming to solve the security problems of a web system. Finally, the article designs an extended privilege management model in a real project using the structure of FleaPHP.

    • Access Control Based on RBAC and Trust Management

      2012, 21(6):25-29,125.

      Abstract (1726) HTML (0) PDF 1.03 M (3358) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:To address the access control problems in the distributed environment, this paper proposes a kind of RBAC Keynote access control strategy and credential based on RBAC and trust management; then we design and implement a general access control platform of application systems. Finally, verifies the platform's securities and effectiveness on access control through simulation and development of application system.

    • Read-write System Applied for Miner Location under Coal Mine Based on RFID

      2012, 21(6):30-33,173.

      Abstract (1686) HTML (0) PDF 879.17 K (3535) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:According to the safety situation of coal mine, read-write system applied for miner location was proposed based on RFID technology. This plan used MSP430F5438 of TI Company as core chip; card reader was designed of 915MHz combined with wireless radio frequency transceiver chip CC1100 of Chipcon Company and peripheral components. The hardware principle and software design of the card reader was discussed, and present the principle diagram of system and software design flow chart. IAR Embedded Workbench V3.41 was used as platform to develop system software. Then analyze the principle of system anti-collision and the communication protocol, using F-ALOHA algorithm to reduce the collision, enhance the recognition accuracy and efficiency. What's more F-ALOHA algorithm was compared with ALOHA algorithm by simulation, and the results show that transmission error of F-ALOHA algorithm is much lower. So the scheme designed is feasible, and it is suitable for practical application.

    • RFID Charging System Based on CAN Bus and 2.4G Wireless Network

      2012, 21(6):34-37.

      Abstract (2430) HTML (0) PDF 466.48 K (3346) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:Traditional RFID charging system which uses RS-485 has the disadvantage of lower real-time and communication efficiency. So a new RFID charging system based on CAN bus and 2.4G wireless network is come up with. One CAN node can control the data transmission of six RFID terminals through the 2.4G wireless network. The system is tested by transmitting data from the temperature sensor through wireless network and the result proves the correctness of this design.

    • Road Maintenance Truck System

      2012, 21(6):38-41.

      Abstract (2263) HTML (0) PDF 617.89 K (3307) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:Expanding peripheral integrated circuits and adopting Windows CE as operation platform, the system uses S3C2410 processor as the core, using method combined with ADOCE3.1 and SQL Server 2.0 to design the damaged road maintenance standards database, which consists of the ultrasonic sensor acquisition of specific information of road surface. According to the road surface information through the IIC interface, the system platform gives the specific repairing scheme based on the road maintenance database standard.

    • Tobacco GIS Vehicle Monitoring System

      2012, 21(6):42-45,190.

      Abstract (1679) HTML (0) PDF 1.08 M (3628) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:cigarette tobacco business requirements and the characteristics of logistics and distribution, to build advanced GIS vehicle monitoring system, integrated scheduling, smart distribution, unified management for the purpose. From the GIS system based on tobacco industry demand for vehicle monitoring system to study the analysis of tobacco GIS functional requirements of vehicle monitoring system, tobacco GIS technical requirements for vehicle monitoring systems, vehicle monitoring system of the tobacco GIS needs of the specific modules based on the combination of advanced technology and industry experience, the tobacco industry built a GIS model of vehicle monitoring systems, and for practical applications of information systems development and implementation.

    • Electronic Medical Record System Based on XML

      2012, 21(6):46-50.

      Abstract (2638) HTML (0) PDF 675.24 K (4329) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:According to the problems of medical information transmission delaying and time consuming of browsing anamnesis in the hand-writing medical records, the design solution of the electronic medical record based on XML was raised and complemented. By the development platform of Web Services, the clinical information centered by patients was integrated by the support of EMR, including the physical orders, medical technical inspections, nursing care and infectious diseases' reports. And the information query and integration was implemented in the system. By applying the electronic medical record system, supervision on medical records from multi-direction is being substituted for emphasis on terminal quality control only in hand-writing medical records.

    • >研究开发
    • Non-Intrusive Debugging Methods of TTCN-3

      2012, 21(6):51-54.

      Abstract (2026) HTML (0) PDF 553.53 K (3522) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:TTCN-3 (Testing and Test Control Notation Version 3) is a formalized testing description language, which is widely used in protocol testing and other testing fields. As TTCN-3 test suites are more and more complex, it becomes difficult for testers to locate the place which causes testing failures without debugger's help. This paper presents a non-intrusive TTCN-3 debugging method which uses third-party debugger to debug TTCN-3 complier generated target code. In addition, the method integrates statement mapping and symbol analysis algorithms to implement basic debugging functionality. Experiments show that this method imposes little influence on testing system and has a better performance while debugging large-scale test suite.

    • Second Order Sliding Mode Trajectory Tracking Control of Robot Based on Neural Network

      2012, 21(6):55-58.

      Abstract (2224) HTML (0) PDF 652.80 K (3307) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:This paper proposes a synergetic controls algorithm by adaptive neural network and Second order sliding mode control. Design a second order sliding mode control method with novelty and facility, and the chattering problem is avoided effectively, Neutral network is used to adaptive learn and compensate the unknown nonlinear model. The learning algorithm for the free neutral network parameters are presented by Lyapunov direct method. The global asymptotic stability is guaranteed. Finally, the control performance of the proposed controller is verified with simulation studies.

    • Efficient Retrieval Program for Signaling Data

      2012, 21(6):59-63.

      Abstract (2164) HTML (0) PDF 570.71 K (3318) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:Nowadays, with the rapid development and wide usage of the network communications, there are important issues that departments are facing, such as how to maintain the signaling network, turn the signaling data into valuable revenue and improve maintenance efficiency. In view of the traffic control signaling data is an important reference factor, this paper designs an efficient retrieval program for signaling data tracking and analysis system, in order to provide independent point of view for observation.

    • Management Model Based on the Chaordic Organization

      2012, 21(6):64-69,85.

      Abstract (1610) HTML (0) PDF 1.35 M (3073) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:Dee Hock's “One from Many, VISA and the Rise of Chaordic Organization” let us know another kind of organization-Chaordic Organization. This paper has gone deep into analyzing and searching on the principles, characterize and cases in Chaordic Organization, and picked up Chaordic Organization's essential feature. Therefore this paper also makes a general define of Chaordic Organization, designs a kind of the state space model of Chaordic Organization and a coordination relation model among Chaordic Organization's members, and establishes an information management model of Chaordic Organization. It would provide a process method and a technical route for the management of Chaordic Organization, and also a information management's demonstration frame for other kind of the complex software system.

    • Secure Partially Blind Signature Scheme without Trusted PKG

      2012, 21(6):70-74.

      Abstract (2180) HTML (0) PDF 494.94 K (3175) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:Current identity-based partially blind signature scheme or the security is not high, or less efficient. Aiming at the defect, through analysis for cryptography and algorithm design, the paper presents an new ID-based partially blind signature scheme with only one bilinear pairing without trusted Private Key Generator (PKG). The proposed scheme has been proved to be strong blindness and be secure against existential forgery on adaptively chosen message and ID attack, and against attack from un-trusted PKG, and be more efficient. Its security relies on the hardness of l-Strong Diffie-Hellman problem (l-SDHP). The difference of the scheme with other likely schemes has been done.

    • Image Retrieval Algorithm Based on Lifting Wavelet

      2012, 21(6):75-80,131.

      Abstract (1706) HTML (0) PDF 1.98 M (2923) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:In this paper, an image retrieval algorithm is proposed based on lifting wavelet, for it has many advantages such as high efficiency and resolution. Firstly, through lifting wavelet transform of the image, we can get each layer of the low-frequency sub-image and high-frequency sub-images. Then, shape feature of low-frequency sub-image and texture feature of high-frequency sub-images can be extracted. Finally, the Euclidean distance is calculated between the feature vectors and retrieved similar images. Experimental results show that the retrieval efficiency of this algorithm is better than other algorithms. It has advantages and versatility.

    • Based Web Service Composition with Genetic Algorithm and Ant Colony Optimization

      2012, 21(6):81-85.

      Abstract (1918) HTML (0) PDF 555.42 K (3716) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:To improve the convergence ability of service selection technology in process of Web service composition, the paper presents a multi-objective optimization strategy based on genetic algorithm and ant colony algorithm to solve global optimization problem in QoS-based Web service composition. In the paper, global optimization problem in Web service composition is presented as a QoS optimal routing problem. And then, an improved genetic algorithm is proposed to get pheromone distribution in initial route of ant colony algorithm. At last, an improved ant colony algorithm is presented to get the optimal solution. Simulation result suggests that the improved algorithms can get the optimal routing in less evolutional generation than typical algorithms, and improve global research ability in Web Service composition.

    • Message-Driven SOA Integration Approach

      2012, 21(6):86-90,160.

      Abstract (1614) HTML (0) PDF 1.13 M (3331) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:Aiming at the issues of interaction among heterogeneous systems in Service-Oriented Architecture platfrom, this paper proposed a loose-couple business integration model in the form of message-driven Webservices which support multiple interactive modes. Consider the demand of service quality for integrated applications, this paper introduced software pipelines for parallel computing and also elaborated on synchronous/asynchronous calling, transaction and congestion control of Webservices based on the approach of remote procedure calling and sliding window mechanism that operates in an equipment reservation system.

    • Digital Video Forgeries Detection Based on Textural Features

      2012, 21(6):91-95,152.

      Abstract (1868) HTML (0) PDF 931.97 K (2848) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:This paper proposes a digital video tampering method which uses textural features of video frames. For a video with still background or slow and continuous movement, the correlation of interframe textural features is large and it would become smaller to some extent if tampered. This paper finds out the outliers according to the correlation of the interframe GLCM. This method is unlimited for video format, applied to any kind of video format. Experimental results show that this method can effectively detect video frame tampering including frame insertion and frame substitution of diverse-sourced in the similar background.

    • Right-Variation Rule Based Network Vulnerability Analysis

      2012, 21(6):96-100.

      Abstract (1463) HTML (0) PDF 784.00 K (3089) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:Network vulnerability can lead to right-variation. From the view of how an attacker uses the vulnerabilities to achieve the unauthorized right of the destination entity, this paper models the vulnerabilities which lead to right-variation and introduces the concept of take rule and vulnerability right-variation rule. Based on the constructed right-variation model and the rules, the right-variation road closure can be achieved by using the vulnerability right-variation algorithm. A vulnerable network is modeled as the study case and it shows the effectiveness of the approach.

    • Wind Energy Conversion Systems Used in Grid Frequency Regulation Simulation

      2012, 21(6):101-105.

      Abstract (1641) HTML (0) PDF 836.98 K (4183) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:As Wind Energy Conversion Systems, which don't join in grid frequency regulation, take a much more important part in power grid, frequency becomes a big problem. To solve this problem, we present a new method to improve Wind Energy Conversion Systems control strategy using in power grid frequency regulation. At first bases on inertial control it introduces frequency regulation to WECS. Then it improves inertial control with WECS's advantage, capable of changing its output active power arbitrarily within range in a short time, makes WECS contributes more in frequency transient's beginning. Finally it makes WECS cooperates with conventional generators, makes up disadvantage that WECS only can support frequency regulation in a short time, this will make power injection between frequency transient more reasonable, decrease the frequency fluctuation, optimize the WECS output active power curve and achieve rotor speed's recovery. At the end of the paper is simulations results and analysis.

    • Design of Debugging Information Generation in Compiler Infrastructure Openimpact

      2012, 21(6):106-110.

      Abstract (1674) HTML (0) PDF 579.62 K (2990) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:In the process of developping compiler for DSP based on compiler infrastructure Openimpact, the generation of debugging information is necessary for the support of debugging. Openimpact doesn't support the generation of debugging information which is only carried from source code to front end, stored in the form of advanced intermediate language Pcode. To support the generation of debugging information, it is necessary to make the corresponding expansion on Openimpact. It is discussed in detail that the concrete methods for expansion, containing the conversion of debugging information from Pcode to low-level intermediate language format Lcode and from Lcode format to assembly format.

    • Unified Messaging Interface Model and Its Improvement

      2012, 21(6):111-114.

      Abstract (2136) HTML (0) PDF 570.33 K (3269) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:This paper describes UMI(Unified Messaging Interface), which is a kind of messaging models and has been widely used in development of mobile value-added service. Then we give a brief description of this model about the overall structure and basic functions, following by an introduction of this model's location in the mobile value-added service development. In order to facilitate discussion, this model is logically divided into four function layers illustrated by the logical structure graph. Then, this paper generally describes the working mechanism and messaging process. On this basis, this paper analyzes the unreasonable structure and inadequate functions of this messaging model. Then we focus on the improvement programs, including the transformation of message buffer (re-organization of buffer), improvement of flow control strategy (such as sliding windows), buffer security reinforcement (overflow alert, alarm, flexible alarm strategy). Finally, we elaborate the significance of this improvement.

    • Automatic Bibliography Integration System for Domain Experts

      2012, 21(6):115-120.

      Abstract (2127) HTML (0) PDF 592.06 K (3623) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:We designed and implemented a system called BibCollector which can automatically collect the bibliography information from different databases. This system is targeted at experts in Information Technology (IT) domain. The databases covered include the most used ones such as SpringerLink, IEEE Xplore, ACM Digital Library, Elsevier ScienceDirect. Two main Chinese databases CNKI and Wanfang are also included. The citation databases that are covered include: Science Citation Index, EI, ISTP, CSCD. Besides these, the Derwent patent database is also included. We presented a method by using the name and affiliation/address of a person to accurately query from these databases. We also developed some algorithms to exclude the unrelated records and identify the duplicate ones. Comparing to the overseas and domestic counterparts, our system has advantages of richer record sources and more accurate results.

    • Encryption Algorithm of Colored Watermark Image Based on Arnold Transform and Lorenz Chaos System

      2012, 21(6):121-125.

      Abstract (2365) HTML (0) PDF 1.39 M (3495) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:This algorithm uses the Arnold transformation and the color image scrambling definition, to solve the Lorenz chaos system's dynamic equation, to obtain three chaos sequences. Then it carries on scrambling processing after Arnold scrambling's each color component. The simulation experiment result indicated that this algorithm has overcome the Arnold transformation and the Lorenz chaos system's shortcoming, can resist many kinds of attacks, enables the high security of the colored watermark image.

    • Radar/ARPA Simulator Based-on OPENGL

      2012, 21(6):126-131.

      Abstract (1549) HTML (0) PDF 608.66 K (3963) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:According to the feature of radar/ARPA simulator, this paper presents some key technologies of developing the radar/ARPA simulator using OPENGL. These technologies include the storing and sparsing of terrain data, the display of the image of radar and the echo of the motioness objects. The experiental result shows that these technologies can achieve good simulation.

    • Demonstrative Research of User-Website Network Based on Bipartite Network

      2012, 21(6):132-135.

      Abstract (1452) HTML (0) PDF 588.93 K (3039) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:The Bipartite network of user-website network is built by analysing the internet browsing history. Secondly, it builds two networks of users and websites by mapping the users and websites respectively. The value of edge is the similarity of two nodes. By calculating the topological parameters, including degree distribution, average shortest path length, average clustering coefficient and node strength, the conclusion is that both the network of users and network of websites are scale-free networks with small world effect .

    • >实用案例
    • WEB-Based Storage Statistical and Monitoring System

      2012, 21(6):136-139.

      Abstract (1546) HTML (0) PDF 770.58 K (3036) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:With web database applications, also called LAMP(linux, apache, mysql, php), we builted a unified storage platform for information management with secure authentication. On this platform, we achieved user data statistical by time stamp with shell programming, we achieved statistical information publish and update with php programming and apache, we achieved user's historical data information management with mysql. In addition, we achieved access to storage's status information with SNMP protocol and MIB, and we achieved storage's status statistical information publish and update with php programming.

    • Application of JFreeChart in the Locomotive Remote Monitoring System

      2012, 21(6):140-143.

      Abstract (1585) HTML (0) PDF 457.68 K (3474) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:The Locomotive Remote Monitoring system is a type of information system suitable for monitoring the remote equipments in running trains, which is used to raise the fault alarm, provide reference to maintenance and enhance the repair for the trains. A very important part of the LRM system is to draw a dynamic picture for the data collected from the train, transmitted through the wireless and internet, parsed into the database, which is used to analyze the equipment status in the train by the engineer. In the three-leveled B/S architecture of J2EE environment, designing your own java painting classes for the picture is not strong enough, so we introduced the JFreeChart Open Resources, which is the best solution for Java Painting Report. The implementation of JFreeChart in the LRM system is illustrated, which can be referred by the applications in similar area.

    • Vehicle Information Detection System Based on Embedded WEB and DSP

      2012, 21(6):144-147.

      Abstract (1421) HTML (0) PDF 555.38 K (3210) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:This paper introduces the composition and working principle of the vehicle information detection system which uses ARM and DSP processor as hardware architecture. ARM has abundant of network interfaces, it can easily implement network, DSP can provide powerful computing capabilities, to achieve complex operations. This paper combination both of the advantage to formation the vehicle information detection system. This design combination practical situation, it based on fully using current resources, and designed a practical circuit and related program which according with the requirements, it have an important significance of theory and pratical.

    • Monitor Terminal of Mine Locomotive

      2012, 21(6):148-152.

      Abstract (1531) HTML (0) PDF 769.85 K (3165) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:Locomotive monitor system is a kind of basic facilities to make sure the safe of transporting and efficient dispatching underground. It is designed to assure the locomotive safe running, enhance the productive efficiency, reduce the transport expense and improve the operating circumstances. This paper presents the monitor system for coal mine based on the RFID and WIFI technology. In order to meet the functions, install all kinds of sensors in the system. Judge the location or state of the locomotive and enhance the running security of locomotive by monitoring environment with the information merging technology. Build the wireless Ethernet based on WIFI in the coal mine to fulfill the voice and data exchange between the locomotive and the dispatching center so that the dispatcher can dispatch the locomotive efficiently and in time based on the datum from the locomotive. This paper presents the system framework and pays more emphasis on the program design of the terminal monitor and the realization. The system has run in good condition underground and promotes the locomotive safety and dispatching efficiency significantly.

    • Development of Third Party Interface Software for Symphony DCS System

      2012, 21(6):153-156.

      Abstract (2409) HTML (0) PDF 722.00 K (3820) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:A specialized and distributed DCS third party interface software was developed base on the semAPI protocol and INICI12 module communication interface components supplied by ABB Symphony DCS system, expounded to illustrate the actual usage of the DCS communication interface in the power plant. Development of the distributed DCS third party interface software was run in WindowsNT/2000operating system, the server/client system structure. Server was connected in the factory LAN or independent in the network, take the responsibility of data collection, saving and transmission, and other functions, client through the network to read in the production process server real-time data, completed user defined software kinds of data label point function.

    • Iteration Learning Control Algorithm with Parameter Identification and Application

      2012, 21(6):157-160.

      Abstract (1868) HTML (0) PDF 392.62 K (4275) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:A new iteration learning control algorithm with parameter identification based on recursive least squares algorithm with a forgetting factor is proposed for model parameters changing in batch process. Parameters of the learning gain are updated as model parameters change. The forgetting factor greatly decreases the impact of wrong data, so the algorithm is more adaptive. Rice wine fermentation is optimized with the new algorithm. The simulation result indicates that the algorithm is much effective and can approach anticipant contrail with less iterative when the parameters update.

    • >应用技术
    • Intelligent System of Water Conservancy Based on Internet of Things

      2012, 21(6):161-163,156.

      Abstract (2126) HTML (0) PDF 1.05 M (5935) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:In order to enhance the ability of information processing and to provide a high level application services, this system focus on the solution in lack of water conservancy informationization and the difficulties in information sharing. This system take full advantage of information technology such as MSTP, 3G, 3S and cloud computing to make a concept that the intelligent system of water conservancy based on Internet of Things. This paper provides a holistic solution in order to realize “system intergration, resource sharing”, improve the effectiveness of the management of water projects and speed up the information of water conservancy.

    • Novel Pattern of Distributed All Electronic Computer Interlocking System

      2012, 21(6):164-166,139.

      Abstract (2054) HTML (0) PDF 865.46 K (4375) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:Nowadays, the centralized control mode with the interlocking computers as its core is the main trend of the current computer interlocking systems, however, this type of control mode always induces many problems such as centralized risks, higher project costs, and difficult tasks of system maintenance. As the development of computer, control and communication technology, the advantage of the structure of the distributed control mode is highlighted increasingly. In order to improve the reliability, security, and flexibility of system furthermore, by introducing the concept of field control (FC) which was combined with other techniques such as the distributed control and intelligent control in this study, we proposed a novel pattern distributed general electronic computer interlocking system on the basic of requirements of computer interlocking technology. We presented a model of the field controller in the computer interlocking system and made detailed instructions about its interlocking function and network structure. The structure achieved the decentralized control geographically and functionally, and it reduced the system risk effectively and agreed with the requirements of the fault-oriented security principle.

    • Applications of Forecasting Model Based on PCA-LS-SVM

      2012, 21(6):167-169.

      Abstract (1593) HTML (0) PDF 537.55 K (3890) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:Identification and prediction of oil and gas reservoirs are popular research topic today. Based on logging data, the proposed PCA-based LS-SVM forecasting model is applied identify oil and gas reservoirs, comparing with artificial neural network prediction model. The results show that the model's performance is stronger than other models, has a certain value.

    • π-Calculus in the Application of Aided Parking

      2012, 21(6):170-173.

      Abstract (1494) HTML (0) PDF 591.40 K (3167) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:With more and more problems of parking in life, the design of aided parking based on ubiquitous computing has appeared. The designs of practical problems in life need to be proved theoretically. According to the demand of aided parking's process and compatibility, we use π-calculus theory such as grammar and operation semantic to model the component of aided parking's behavior and validate the compatibility of the component of aided parking. Combining π-calculus theory with practice realize a computer combination of theory and practice.

    • Personalized Network Teaching Resource System

      2012, 21(6):174-177.

      Abstract (2132) HTML (0) PDF 491.54 K (3389) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:With the exponential growth of education information, users are encompassed by plenty of education information and faced with the problem of information overload at the same time. How to quickly and accurately access the interested information from the magnanimity teaching resources become a hot spot in information study at present. Targeting the features of teaching resources, the essay designs and realizes the teaching resources system based on personalized recommendation technology, which can effectively enhance the efficiency of the use of teaching resources.

    • Polymorphic Partial Least Squares Model

      2012, 21(6):178-181.

      Abstract (1699) HTML (0) PDF 498.12 K (3444) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:In order to determine the principal component number of Partial least squares(PLS), we propose a polymorphic PLS modeling approach. Describes the specific process of building model and predictive, two methods of sample similarity calculation is gived, while we predict samples: direct distance and property score distance. The article takes the near infrared spectroscopy(NIR) data of corn Samples as example, and detects the protein by polymorphic PLS model and traditional PLS model. The results indicated that: prediction results of the polymorphic PLS is better than prediction results of traditional PLS, it has greater flexibility and compatibility.

    • Individual and Crowd Activities in Evacuation Simulation

      2012, 21(6):182-185.

      Abstract (1758) HTML (0) PDF 441.76 K (3349) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:Simulate crew's evacuation by using cellular automaton and artificial intelligence theory. Study the action of auto-path searching and the rule of crew's movement when the density of the crew reached a numerical value under the situation of “area division”. We find out crew's action of obstacle avoiding and path searching under the condition of Area division is more likely to match the reality. Compared with the individual movement, crew's movement proved that with the same computer resource supplied, the number of evacuated crew has increased, at the same configuration of crowd,the time of evacuation does not change a lot. The result indicates that Area division and “simulation of crew's movement” can reduce the impact on the result and in the meantime ensure the result's validity. It is a practical measure to simulate an urgent evacuation under a real situation.

    • Image Registration Based on Mutual Information and Corner Points

      2012, 21(6):186-190.

      Abstract (1785) HTML (0) PDF 610.39 K (4306) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:Registration based on mutual information is a typical method in medical image registration. Mutual information is a common similarity measure in image registration, which has excellent robustness and accuracy, but large calculation amount makes it difficult to be applied to clinics. A maximization of mutual information based image registration method is described. Firstly Because of using maximum mutual information to image registration have inferiority, the registration based on local curvature maximum to obtain corner points. Then, the one to one matching points could be obtained through mutual information rough match. Experimental results indicate the proposed algorithm can achieve better accuracy and good robust.

    • >经验交流
    • Extraction of Conglutinated Small Sphere Diameter Based on MATLAB

      2012, 21(6):191-194.

      Abstract (1803) HTML (0) PDF 600.33 K (4519) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:Using MATLAB software to deal with ball images which come from the ball making experiments of a biological electron laboratory, to get its size parameters for the follow-up hemoglobin analysis experiment, involving image enhancement, image morphology, watershed algorithm and so on. Aimed at the conglutination phenomenon between small spheres, designing an improved watershed algorithm, that is, first of all, distance transforming the binary image, and then reconstructing the distance transform map by using morphological opening reconfiguration operation, so the weeny wave was avoided and intrinsic configuration remained. Finally, separating the reconstruction plan by using standard watershed algorithm. Experimental results show that this method can prevent excessive segmentation effectively.

    • Body Height Measurement Algorithm in Key Frame from Surveillance Video

      2012, 21(6):195-198.

      Abstract (1852) HTML (0) PDF 540.71 K (3635) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:It is important to find what we need from the massive video, thus the research of key frame extraction algorithm is becoming more and more hot. First, the paper present the algorithm about extraction key frames from the surveillance video. Then camera calibration and vanishing point is used to analyse and calculate the height of human body. The result showed that semantic distance based on color histogram is more suitable for extracting key frame from the surveillance video. Meanwhile this algorithm of human body height is very feasible and accurate. So the algorithm has practical value.

    • Network Defense New Technique of the Visit Path Examination

      2012, 21(6):199-201.

      Abstract (1675) HTML (0) PDF 522.21 K (3194) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:Due to the firewall and IDS etc. the network defendoof technical shortage, Pass the last few years of analysis research, this paper puts forward a kind of according to visit path examination of network defense new technique, can a little bit well prevent network from going fishing with the trojan horse steals user's datas.

    • Face Recognition of LBP Histogram PCA and Euclidean Distance

      2012, 21(6):202-204,198.

      Abstract (2796) HTML (0) PDF 1.01 M (7940) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:LBP operator has notable features of rotation invariance and gray-scale invariance etc. This paper uses LBP operator to get feature extraction, the face image is divided into sub-regions, then connecting these sub-regions LBP histogram to generate facial feature vector, because too many dimension of facial feature vector, using PCA to reduce dimension and compression. The final step is using Euclidean distance classifier to complete face recognition. Through the experimental conclusion shows very good face recognition effect. The face recognition algorithm used for various kinds of public, like the railway station have good application effect.

    • Fingerprint Image Enhancement Approach Based on Gray-level Phase

      2012, 21(6):205-207.

      Abstract (1818) HTML (0) PDF 599.62 K (3320) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:Image enhancement is an important procedure in an automatic fingerprint recognition system. An item called gray-level phase is defined, and a gray-level phase based image enhancement approach is proposed. In this approach, gray-level phase of each pixel is obtained firstly; then a filter is designed for gray-level phase; finally, the enhanced image is obtained according to the filtered gray-level phase. The experimental results show that the proposed approach is promising for low quality fingerprint image.

    • Frequency and Energy-Based Replacement Scheme for Heterogeneous Drive

      2012, 21(6):208-211,207.

      Abstract (1817) HTML (0) PDF 823.86 K (3430) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:How to reduce the energy consumption of storage sub-system effectively has gained a lot of attention these years. The emergence of non-volatile, shock resistant and low power flash memory and solid state driver (SSD) brings a new opportunity for power-saving in storage sub-system. However, it still cannot totally replace hard disk for its higher cost per storage unit. This paper focuses on the heterogeneous drive scheme (heter-Drive for short) for both energy-conservation. By considering both file access frequencies and energy cost, we propose an improved file cache replacement scheme called FEBR (Frequency and Energy-based Replacement). We collected four real-world office users' file access data for experiments. The results show that heter-Drive does works well and saves as high as 70% ~ 80% of energy; the extensive comparisons with the classic replacement algorithms, the widely used ARC and the optimal algorithm OPT show that FEBR is consistently better than other alternatives.

    • ERFT:An Enganced Reliable File Transfer Tool

      2012, 21(6):212-215.

      Abstract (3247) HTML (0) PDF 660.53 K (3391) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:RFT, grid data transfer component, provides a reliable file transfer service, but the RFT in GT4 is still deficient. It does not support the xml configuration file, and can not be globally optimal allocation, and has not visual manipulation. Based on the study of GT4 RFT component, we designed and implemented a visualized reliable file transfer tool - ERFT. Experimental transmission of large files show that, ERFT inherited the RFT's traditional strengths, while improving its shortcomings, provides users with more reliable and friendly file transfer services.

    • Graph-Based Term Weighting for Document Ranking

      2012, 21(6):216-219,194.

      Abstract (1504) HTML (0) PDF 858.85 K (3709) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:The core work of information retrieval including document classification and ranking operations, how to effectively compute the term weight of every document is one of a key technology. Use of the word co-occurrence relationship to create a text graph for each document, based on the idea of the importance of interaction between adjacent words, combining the characteristics of the word document word frequency characteristics, we iteratively compute weighting of each word. Further combining the global properties of text graph, such as density, we could rank the results of information retrieval. Experiments confirmed that the algorithm in standard data sets with good results.

    • WSN Energy-Saving Research of Integrating RFID

      2012, 21(6):219-224,239.

      Abstract (1622) HTML (0) PDF 1.24 M (3530) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:According to the issues of saving energy consumption of sensor nodes and balancing energy consumption of each node in the whole network, this paper proposed a wireless sensor network energy-saving method of integrating RFID design and optimizing the routing protocol. The method firstly respectively integrated RFID Tags and Readers with wireless Sensor Nodes as well as wireless devices, and then made the analysis and design for the strategy of the integration, and finally combined with the idea of the LEACH algorithm. The experiment simulation results demonstrated that the new proposed method was prior to the traditional LEACH algorithm in the terms of prolonging the network life cycle and reducing the energy consumption of the whole network.

    • Activity Window Management System in the Android applications

      2012, 21(6):224-228,248.

      Abstract (1766) HTML (0) PDF 839.13 K (4689) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:Android applications are composed of multiple components, Activity as an important component of Android applications, used to display a visual user interface and receive user interface events generated by interaction. In the paper, AWMS(Activity Window Management System) mechanism is used to store the Activity window in multiple applications, which simplified operation for calling Activity handle to operate its data and state. Thus implement the simplified operation for getting the Activity instance and each of the Activity in the tasks.

    • Improve Efficiency of Line Detection Using Hough Transform

      2012, 21(6):228-232.

      Abstract (1636) HTML (0) PDF 723.10 K (6406) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:Because of the slow detection speed and occupying big system memory for lines in digitial images, a new improved detection method was proposed. Firstly, sampling in half was used to extract process the image, adopted the strategy that from probably to accurate tese, reduce the computational complexity.Then, the soble operator was proceeded on edge detection. Finally, increased the edge gradient on the classical hough transform to reduce the number of coordinate transformation, and joined up the disconnected line.

    • Third-Party Online Payment Core Competence Evaluation Based on BP Neural Network

      2012, 21(6):232-235,253.

      Abstract (1585) HTML (0) PDF 686.83 K (4713) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:Through the online payment industry environment, industry chain and the analysis of major enterprises, built with third-party online payment core competence evaluation index system including with 14 evaluation index. BP neural network model is designed to select a sample of six training companies, three companies to test, and the use of BP neural network model quantitatively identify third-party online payment the strength of the core competence of enterprises. Studies have shown that: compared with the traditional linear model, BP evaluation mode is more dynamic and self-learning nature, the error evaluation of the results of small, high precision, fully reflects real situation of the third-party online payment enterprise's core competence, for third-party online payment to build the core competetiveness of enterprises to provide a benchmark, while the third-party online payment company for quantitative evaluation of core competencies has opened up a new way.

    • Fast Algorithm for Texture Synthesis of Point-sampled Geometry

      2012, 21(6):235-240.

      Abstract (1678) HTML (0) PDF 626.20 K (3300) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:The algorithm synthesized texture directly on the three-dimensional point-sampled geometry, instead of relying on the conventional and complicated way of triangulation of three-dimensional point-sampled geometry. It controlled the direction of texture synthesis on the sample surface by means of setting up an orientation field of fairing on the three-dimensional point-sampled geometry. On the basis of orientation field, a mapping relation between tree-dimensional point-sampled geometry was made and texture was synthesized as a result. The experimental results indicate that, comparing with the conventional three-dimensional texture synthesis based on sampling grid, the method greatly increase the speed of synthesis meanwhile guaranteeing its quality.

    • Research on Endpoint Detection of Speech

      2012, 21(6):240-244.

      Abstract (2331) HTML (0) PDF 562.69 K (4050) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:Systemic research has been done on the endpoint detection algorithms of speech in the noise environment. traditional method of short-time energy and short-time zero-crossing rate of double threshold can not detect speech signal endpoint in low SNR. To solve this problem, A improved algorithm of spectral entropy-double threshold is proposed in this paper, the diagram of realization of this algorithm is presented and simulated in MATLAB. Simulation results show that the algorithm perform well on anti-noise,they can still accurately distinguish between voice and noise, so the effectiveness and high efficiency of the improved algorithm is proved.

    • >产品应用
    • Design of Home Gateway Based on S3C2440

      2012, 21(6):245-249.

      Abstract (2238) HTML (0) PDF 676.59 K (3896) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:With the improvement of socio-economic level, people's demands of home-living quality become more and more. At the same time, with embedded technology developing, as well as the popularity of mobile communications equipment, the conditions to remote control home appliances have gradually matured. In order to achieve the purpose of mobile remote control household appliances, it has proposed a kind of the design of embedded home gateway system based on ARM and linux, with 32-bit ARM9S3C2440 microprocessor as the core, Equipped with text messages module, since the infrared learning modules, and wireless Zigbee communication module. Realizing a text receiving, infrared signals, storage and sending. After testing and analysis, it proves to achieve the expectation and be feasible for the system.

    • Ultrasonic Ranging Alarm System Based on PIC

      2012, 21(6):250-254.

      Abstract (1815) HTML (0) PDF 409.22 K (6072) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:This paper designed an ultrasonic ranging system based on PIC16F877A. With the help of high?launch driving voltage, the temperature compensation, and software filter, we solved the problem that the traditional ranging system had a closer measuring distance. We greatly increased the detection range and improved the measurement accuracy and realized real-time alarm function. We explained the reason of the changing of CX20106A chip output single level, and put forward two alarm ideas and realized them. The experimental results show that this system can well meet the security of monitoring requirements.

    • >专论·综述
    • Pracitices of Software Project Quantitative Management

      2012, 21(6):255-257.

      Abstract (1708) HTML (0) PDF 547.94 K (4796) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:As the increasing of project size and complexity of the project, quantitative management has been more widely used and promoted. Quantitative management allows businesses to be more active prediction, monitoring, control project of greater benefit. In this paper, with the quantitative management theory in CMMI4, based on the organizational-level process definition and according to metrics-driven decision making to determine which sub-project management process needs to be quantified. Through quantitative management of software projects intended to achieve the project expectations of quality and process performance objectives. Illustrates the practical significance of software project quantitative management for implemening information technology process management.

    • Analysis and Comparison on Selection Algorithms of Materialized View in Data Warehouse

      2012, 21(6):258-262.

      Abstract (1609) HTML (0) PDF 341.40 K (3606) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:The selection of materialized view has always been a research hotspot in data warehouse domain. Some representative static and dynamic selection algorithms on the current are introduced. Performance and time complexity of these algorithms are analyzed and compared, then an optimization selection algorithm of materialized view is given. Finally some hybrid selection method that to be a new research direction of materialized view selection problem are analyzed.

    • Sequential Pattern Mining Research

      2012, 21(6):263-271.

      Abstract (2027) HTML (0) PDF 451.55 K (5311) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:In order to analysis shopping basket data better, mine potential customers, sequential pattern minging emerged.Sequential pattern mining is an important research content of data mining and has been widely used in many fields in recent years. We summary sequential pattern mining development situation at present, research classical algorithm based on basic mining framework and algorithm based on extension model, Especially describe the new data form sequential pattern mining appeared in recent years and the algorithm based on zero compression binary decision figure (ZBDD), Finally prospect the sequential pattern mining development trend.

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  • 《计算机系统应用》
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