WANG Wei-Ping , ZHAO Ming , LIU Ying-Yi , WANG Xuan
2010, 19(2):1-5.
Abstract:Traditional recommendation system has the problem of sparse user ratings and system scalability. This paper proposes a recommendation system based on intelligence multi-agent. At first, the cosine similarity measure has been used to handle user-item rating matrix, thus the initial neighbor set for target users can be gained. Then, user ratings have been mapped to relevant item attributes for generating user-attributes value preference matrix UPm of each user. Thus, user similarity can be computed based on UPm and rating sparsity has been alleviated simultaneously. The recommendation system of intelligence multi-agent makes calculating an online processing, and thus improves the system scalability. Experimental results show that the new system achieves a better accuracy in recommended convergence.
2010, 19(2):6-10.
Abstract:This paper puts forward a Meta-Data Object Architecture Model for the Variable situation of demand and circumstances in Operation Log Recording software exploitation of Power Industry. It describes Meta-Data Object and gives the Relationship Model and Components Model Structure with various parts. It expounds the self-adaptive business methods based on the model, making the model deal with applications in different fields with configurable, adaptability and reusability, and hence improves the efficiency and quality of the system development.
2010, 19(2):11-15.
Abstract:A hybrid topology architecture is presented to solve the problem of scalability in P2P VOD system. Based on the gossip topology of mesh-based system, this paper constructs a structured topology and provides a distributed collaborated nodes searching mechanism for dragging operation. Besides, the model designs an algorithm for data scheduling from multiple service nodes, which properly fits the heterogeneous and dynamic network environment, and also achieves good system scalability and high service quality.
TANG Jian-Zhong , PAN Min , SHEN Jin , SUN Heng
2010, 19(2):16-19.
Abstract:Along with tobacco information system region centralism and data centre establishment, data concentrate gradually. Being lacking in different data disaster backup functions, the system based on the EMC array and the Veritas Storage Foundation cannot satisfy the present informationization safety requirements. On the basis of investigations and studies in Zhejiang Province, this paper designs 2 disaster backup plans: different migration and additional computer. Different migration plan is to separate the storage device from the present computer and put them in two different engine rooms. Additional computer plan does not change the original computer room, but adds new computer and storage device in the new computer room. In practice, these two schemes can protect the original investment and solve the problem of disaster backup.
LIU Song , XIE Hai-Yun , HE Li , YE Yan-Jie
2010, 19(2):20-24.
Abstract:To improve the service quality of agricultural meteorological information system, expand the coverage of information, and let the editing and dissemination of information unified, an agricultural meteorological information system is constructed to fulfill the requirement. The system is based on Web service architecture. The lightweight JEE framework combination named SJH is applied to implement the business requirement of every layer and application combination. In practice, it is found that the SJH framework combination can easily and quickly create a web application system, and the SJH framework combination also has great advantages in integrating other applied technology.
2010, 19(2):25-28.
Abstract:Based on the current Bluetooth and Web technology, a new type of Smart Home Surveillance System has been designed by using the OMAP5910 dicaryon processor. In this system functions can be realized like collection of images by USB camera, Bluetooth wireless transmittion and message warning by GPRS. Moreover, motion detection of the collected image has also been made in order to monitor the entire smart home real-time.
DA Si-Meng , LU Yong-Zhong , NING Feng
2010, 19(2):29-32.
Abstract:More and more applications are developing from desktop to networking in present WEB2.0 era. The content of the network gradually shifts from the original static hyperlink to a series of variegated applications including electronic commerce, electronic mailing, game recreation, digital media, which all can be loaded onto the browser. However, with the constant development of browser platform many hidden dangers concerning safety have arisen. For instance, a series of hacker methods such as Xss, xsrf (cross-site request forgery), DNS have become hidden threats to internet users. Hackers could steal users' personal information by utilizing malicious code or through phishing site, which may cause great economic loss. This paper aims to analyse Xss(cross site scripting) attack, and comes up with a new framework to solve this increasingly apparent safety problem.
LI Hai-Wen , NING Min , LIN Fu-Liang , ZHOU Wu
2010, 19(2):33-36.
Abstract:On the basis of researching CORBA communication mechanism, this paper brings forth an object-oriented distributed application model based on CORBA technology. This model reduces difficulty and improves efficiency on distributed application development, through encapsulating the complexity of CORBA. The model provides transparent requests among distributed objects. The model is realized with middleware form and tested.
2010, 19(2):37-40.
Abstract:The traditional genetic algorithm has the shortcomings of premature convergence and slow convergence. This paper adopts improved niche technology to solve this problem. It also uses the specific issues to improve the genetic operators, and the improved niche genetic algorithm is applied to Clustering Mining. As the K-means algorithm in the clustering algorithm for mining has the problem of the selection of the initial value of K-senstive and if we select a different value, it will lead to a different clustering result. It is easy to fall into local optimum. So it will make poor clustering results. Therefore, this article combines the improved niche genetic algorithm with K-means algorithm to produce a new improved algorithm named an improved niche genetic clustering algorithm. It is verified that the algorithm is valid in improving the quality of clustering analysis.
ZHANG Yun-Han , SUN Jin-Guang , MIAO Xi-Kui
2010, 19(2):41-45.
Abstract:How to fast, accurately and effectively segment objects in the color images is the key point in the computer vision and image analysis. This paper introduces a method of region-based color image segmentation. This method first extracts color, texture, and location features for each pixel form integrative feature vectors by selecting suitable color space to form the feature space. In the feature space, the initial cluster center and the number are determined by the improved ISODATA algorithm adaptively, then an image is clustering and separated into regions. Finally, the features of regions are extracted. The experimental results and the comparision with the similar approach are provided. Experimental results show the proposed method has high segmentation speed and good sementation results, and it is fit for region-based image retrieval system and has better application values.
2010, 19(2):46-49.
Abstract:With the functions of mobile phone richer and its uses wider, mobile phone software platform technology gets to be more and more important. The great effect of mobile phone software platform on its development and performance has made it a hotspot in technology. To make the construction, integration and distribution of Linux-based Embedded Software Platform easier, Platform Creation Kit is needed to improve the efficiency of mobile phone software platform. Platform Creation Kit is a graphic user interface for system integration and distribution, functional coverage of the whole process of creating mobile phone software platform. This study analyses the advantage of Linux-based mobile phone software platform, discusses software package management technology, and describes the software architecture of PCK. Finally, it discusses its important role in mobile phone software development.
2010, 19(2):50-52.
Abstract:The edge examination is mainly carried on the measure, examination and the localization to image gradation change. Deng interrelatedness analysis method based on marginal check's grey system is obviously superior to other methods. The improvement model based on Deng interrelatedness analysis method, unifies the affine transformation and the least squares method fitting a straight line. To a certain extent, it has overcome proportionality factor influence and the displacement difference of the Deng interrelatedness analysis method. The experiment proves that in the examination peripheral point's continuity, the complete aspect has certain improvement compared to the Deng interrelatedness model examination.
GU Qing-Shan , YANG Shun , ZHANG Liang
2010, 19(2):53-56.
Abstract:In the operating system, the time wheel algorithm is widely applied. But its biggest dispatch time is limited. The lamination time wheel algorithm also has the algorithm complex insufficiency. This article proposes the time wheel's corrective method based on that. This algorithm does not only eliminate the time wheel's time limitation, it is also easier than score strata time wheel algorithm. It is suitable for the procedure storage space tense embedded real time system.
SHEN Xue-Li , ZHANG Hong-Yan , ZHANG Ji-Suo
2010, 19(2):57-61.
Abstract:A new method to adjust weights of BP network is proposed. The new model is based on the weight adjustments of traditional BP algorithm by tuning the structure and connection weights of BP network and improved particle swarm optimization simultaneously. The result shows that the improved algorithm can not only overcome the limitations in both the slow convergence and the local extreme values of traditional BP algorithm,but also improve the precision of the result and the learning ability greatly.
ZHONG Jin-Fa , XU Li , YE A-Yong
2010, 19(2):62-66.
Abstract:The precision of DV-Hop localization algorithm is not good enough when it is used to compute the distance value between unknown nodes and beacon nodes. To overcome its disadvantage, a precision improved algorithm based on DV-Hop is proposed. The three neighboring nodes in the route of the unknown node to the beacon node are analyzed, and an improced DV-Hop Location Algorithm based on the Ordered Neighboring Nodes in Space is proposed. Simulation proves that the improved algorithm is effective and feasible.
ZHOU Wei , HU Tong-Sen , JIANG Cheng-Cheng
2010, 19(2):67-70.
Abstract:Firstly, the key feature points which have much less reaction under changing appearances are captured from a tested face. Then the transforming vectors between the relative coordinates of the captured points and each corresponding point in the face model are used to estimate the pose of the tested face. At last, a synthetical face shape model is established by using the captured points and the estimated pose vector. The shape model would be robust under changing appearances and poses because the points in the model are unchangeable under different appearances. In addition, this paper estimates the pose of the tested face correctly. The shape model will be fit for face recognition.
2010, 19(2):71-74.
Abstract:Based on the present situation of CAD document protection system, the paper focuses on the innovation of CAD security model. It analyses current problems and puts forward a CAD model protection algorithm whose basis is a multi-level and dynamic permission strategy. This algorithm allows different access permissions or operations to the CAD models while in different phases of the product life cycle. Combined with the technologies of Access Control, Permission Manage, Encryption and Decryption, the paper successfully makes the security control of the CAD model more reliable in its product life cycle.
2010, 19(2):75-82.
Abstract:After reviewing the development of the complexity study, this article introduces the basic concepts and recent research in complexity study. Then, on the basis of analyzing the configuration complexity model and the complexity model in the process of IT management, it illuminates the ways to determine the complexity values in these models and lists the four steps of the quantification in configuration process with the configuration complexity model. Moreover, performance prediction in configuration process is explained. At last, it points out the existing problems and future research orientations.
PENG Lei , LIU Bo-Feng , WANG Jia-Le , ZOU Qiang
2010, 19(2):83-85.
Abstract:To preprocess mammograms for computer-aided diagnosis, this paper mainly researches the extraction of calcification region in mammograms. After the background segmentation to mammogram, it firstly makes the pick-up of the mammary region by using the improved area extension, and then uses the method of improved unsharp masking for image enhancement in the pick-up of the mammary region. It highlights the region of calcification points, and picks up the region of interest (ROI) which may contain calcification based on the characteristics of calcification and a suitable threshold. The result shows that this method can complete the extraction of calcification region of interest, helping to improve the accuracy of diagnosis of mammary diseases.
2010, 19(2):86-89.
Abstract:To construct a new model from the existing models is an important modeling method in digital enter- tainment. Boolean operation method for point models based on RBF (Radial Basis Function) is proposed in this paper. Firstly, it divides the input point models by octree. Then it transforms the models to implicit function represented signed distance field. Finally through the implicit surface Boolean operation method to exclude the extra point, a wanted new point model is obtained. The process of RBF implicitization for point model is accelerated by space octree division. A complex model can be constructed form several simple point models with this method.
2010, 19(2):90-92.
Abstract:The document copy detection algorithm based on the similarity of the sentences cannot only emphasize on the whole document, but also on the structure of the document. This paper improves the similarity algori- thm based on it, solves the artificial problem of threshold setting and improves the detection accuracy. The result of experiments shows that it is feasible and the running time is reduced.
REN Xiao-Kui , LIANG Chao-Zhong
2010, 19(2):93-96.
Abstract:Anti-collision algorithm is the key technology which must be solved in the RFID system. When more than one tags enter the radio frequency range and respond to the same reader simutancously, all of them would return their own ID information to the reader, thus creating a digital conflict. This paper proposes an improved algorithm based on analyzing a binary search algorithm. The algorithm can effectively debase the total number of sent commands and reduce the length of the parameters attached to each order.
2010, 19(2):97-100.
Abstract:Real-time communication is very important in the industrial control network, but a general SSLVPN is sometimes unable to meet this requirement perfectly. So a set of strategies are introduced to improve SSL protocol, on which a new parallel deploying 2-SSLVPN model is buit. This paper analyzes strategies and calculates the old and new models' time-consumption with the reference data. It has proved that the real-time improvement rate of the new model is 1.5 and its time-saving rate is 33%. It also introduces some future technical problems and their applications.
2010, 19(2):101-105.
Abstract:The lifetime of a wireless sensor network (WSN) directly lies in the power consumption of the network. Thus one of the important problems is how to design an effective algorithm to prolong the lifetime of the sensor network as much as possible. In this paper, a layer-based power control algorithm is proposed for rectangular field sensor network. In this scheme, the width of the layers and communication radius can be computed according to nodes energy consumption. Hence, the energy consumption of the networks can be balanced effectively. Simulation results show that the algorithm could effectively extend the lifetime of the networks.
2010, 19(2):106-109.
Abstract:An important issue in topical crawler research is feature extraction, which makes great impact on topic description and page relevance scoring. The existing Odds Ratio method shows high performance on high dimension vectors, whereas it does not work well on low dimension condition. An enhanced method EOR based on Odds Ratio method, with word frequency and distribution rate taken into account, is proposed. The simulation shows a 5% increase on text categorization precision on low and middle feature dimension. Furthermore, by combining EOR score and TF value, namely, TF-EOR to calculate word weight and applying it to topical crawler, 4% increases on both precision and recall are obtained.
FAN Jing , LV Sai-Hui , XIONG Li-Rong
2010, 19(2):110-114.
Abstract:With the development of software technology, workflow system is being used more and more frequently in the business process of enterprises. How to integrate JBPM into the Spring framework efficiently becomes one of the key points in the establishment of whole system's architecture. Based on analyzing the existing model of deployment and problems of process file deployment in the development of process component, a new deployment model is proposed, in which the deploy process is controlled by server startup parameters combining with SpringModules's inverse control. This new model makes the deployment of process file independent of J2EE system and provides a more loosely coupled integration.
ZONG Qun-Long , ZHENG Shan-Xian , PAN Ping
2010, 19(2):115-118.
Abstract:In this paper, design of a new software routing is proposed for power line communication. With regard to the great changes in channel state as well as the small ratio of successful communication, dynamic clustering based on correlation of node is used. According to the intension of signal, the probability of communication and connectivity of node, the router selects cluster head and the members of cluster based on Node correlation. When the communication of some network nodes is unusual, the router adopts mechanism of probabilistic flooding based on the number of nearby nodes to rebuild network. This method can guarantee real-time data transmission. The analysis shows that this router is flexible, practical and effective.
2010, 19(2):119-122.
Abstract:To design an effective distributed parallel server, the two principal metrics of networking should necess- arily be considered: throughput and delay of both network layer and application layer to improve the original power of the network. Distributed Parallel Server (DPS) is characterized by the response characteristic and service capability of distributed parallel server. This paper makes an in-depth study on DPS, and based on the analysis and experiments it introduces an intermedium in DPS, namely distribution device, to partition flux in network layer according to working ability of application server. Consequently performance is improved.
LIANG Yan , ZHENG Zheng-Qi , ZHANG Jing
2010, 19(2):123-125.
Abstract:This paper designs and implements a new generation switching power supply automatic test system according to the module architecture of the software-as-the-core. The new system can complete the function test of switching power automatically, save the test results, generate test report and make the statistical process analysis. The result of actual use shows that compared with the traditional switching power automatic test system, the new system has the advantages like short development cycle, low total cost, high throughput, good expandability, easy-to-upgrade and so on. It can meet the customer's requirements well.
WANG Jia-Le , LIU Bo-Feng , XIE Chao-Jing , PENG Lei , ZOU Qiang
2010, 19(2):126-129.
Abstract:The Printed Circuit Board is the support body and electrical connection provider of electronic com- ponents. Whether a PCB whose electronic components have been welded well can work normally depends on whether the components are in good conditions or not. The test for the electronic compo- nents that have been welded on PCB thus becomes absolutely necessary. And because of this, ICT has become the industry normative nomenclature. Based on this background, this paper firstly gives the isolated method of circuit board components, then it designs the control system based on FPGA. Each module has been controlled by the FPGA. The actual products show that the control system of the ICT is not only good in the function, but also good in efficiency and flexibility. It is able to adapt to a wide range of PCB online detection.
2010, 19(2):130-134.
Abstract:Due to absence of the standards of GPS communication services, the data communication protocols transmitted on GPS through different GPS monitoring devices are quite different, which caused diffi- culties to the comprehensive GPS monitoring information access. And the changing of the protocol ver- sions makes the data analysis more difficult. Based on DFA, an automatic analysis algorithm of protocols is designed so that a program can analyze and transform multi-sort protocols at the same time.
2010, 19(2):135-138.
Abstract:During the enterprise data integration, the heterogeneous data source is mostly accessed through adapters. It is difficult and long to develop a specific source adapter. At the same time, configuration and deploy- ment of data integration system are complex due to the complex business system. This paper develops a business-oriented data integration system, which cannot only resolve the data integration between the heterogeneous source in Distributed Computing Environment,but also make the system's deployment and expansibility simple. It introduces the system's architecture, gives a development framework of source adapter and a method to data capture and sending. As a application case, a resoluble approach about some general merchandise group is also put forward.
HAO Xiao-Xiao , ZHANG Wei-Feng
2010, 19(2):139-142.
Abstract:In the distributed environment, the goal-directed, distributed chain discovery algorithm finds and retrieves credentials needed. However, the exiting trust management systems have some flaws as follows: (1) delegation depth is not controlled effectively. (2) the validity of the certificate has not been reflected. To address the problems above, this paper proposes a time domain and trustworthiness-based distributed credential chain discovery algorithm, and gives a specific example of the algorithm.
2010, 19(2):143-146.
Abstract:This article discusses automatic identification method in a single bus with a number of DS18B20. According to the characteristics of DS18B20 binary tree coding algorithm, the identification process of the series number is described together with that of multi-point scanning and dynamic contribution to the process, as well as in the application of system information storage means. It has of great significance to the use of multi-point temperature DS18B20.
2010, 19(2):147-151.
Abstract:In analyzing the various types of image-based scoring system, the key techniques of camera-based information-card scoring system are given: uneven illumination of the image processing, lens distortion correction image processing. This paper proposes binarization image processing with the local average threshold to solve the problem of uneven illumination. It uses rectangular corner-based geometric aberra- tion transform image correction algorithm, which include two steps to complete the correction skew dis- tortion and perspective distortion. It also gives the transformation formula. Practice shows that this method performs well, and meets the functional requirements.
KANG Song-Lin , HU Ci-Yuan , SUN Yong-Xin
2010, 19(2):152-154.
Abstract:As web threats are dynamic and universal, an on-line mal-webpage detection system based on honeypot is designed. In this system, the URL table with some special fields is designed to store URLs, and the honeypot is used to detect those Webs that are not in table or in table but need detection once again. The system can detect the safe state of Webs in realtime with more accuracy.
2010, 19(2):155-159.
Abstract:With the sharp competition in the telecommunications market and the rapid development of information technology, telecommunications operators must establish a "customer-centric" management style to classity customers. For different customers, different marketing strategies are developed. Data Mining in the K-means clustering algorithm for large data sets can be efficiently classified. In this paper, K-means algorithm is used in complex telecom customer relationship management to achieve more accurate and comprehensive customer classification.
2010, 19(2):160-163.
Abstract:In the License Plate Recognition (LPR) system, the most critical part is the license plate image extraction and image segmentation license plate characters. In this paper, a license plate location method is proposed based on the license plate region texture features and statistical laws it. This algorithm cannot only rule out the light, complex background and other factors, it is also not limited by the size of license plate capture, license plate in the image of the location and angle.
2010, 19(2):164-168.
Abstract:An adaptive Particle Swarm Optimization based on cloud model theory is proposed to improve its capability and applied to minimizing the makespan of a single batch-processing machine with non-identical job sizes. The particles are first divided into three groups based on the fitness of the particle to propose a new method for updating location and velocity. Then an adaptive strategy for varying parameters of PSO based on cloud model theory is introduced and different groups adopted different inertia weight generating methods, which does not only improve the convergence speed, but also maintain the diversity of the population. The global search performance of this adaptive algorithm is validated by the results of the comparative experiments.
2010, 19(2):169-172.
Abstract:This paper introduces the need to install many operating systems. It analyzes the computer's startup process. Combined with the commonly used disk partition tool, it divides a hard disk into primary partition and extended partition. With GAG boot management software, it activates different primary partitions, so as to start a different operating system. It also introduces how to maintain the system.
LIU Sheng-Da , SHAN Xiao-Guang
2010, 19(2):173-176.
Abstract:The fast realization of image processing based on API is discussed in this paper. Firstly a few familiar methods of image processing are analyzed. It is discovered that the image processing could be carried out rapidly by using API function, and a few rapid image processing methods are put forward. The result shows that the image processing can be achieved rapidly and effectively through the API function. And it has better practical value.
XU Feng , ZHAO Huai-Xun , TU Qiang
2010, 19(2):177-179.
Abstract:Presenting a method of face detection based on skin color detection and eyes localization, this paper introduces a method of color balancing to normalize the color image called "reference white". It extracts skin color in the HSV color space and detects the candidate human face. It uses the morphologic filter to denoise. After iris localization it introduces Susan operator to localize the corners of eyes, then implements the localization of eyes accurately. The experiments demonstrate that the method in this paper can implement face detection and eyes localization commendably, especially in the image of face circumrotation and illumination exceptional.
LIANG Qi-Jun , WU Xi-Lan , LUO Hai-Ping
2010, 19(2):180-184.
Abstract:In multi-terminal Java ME Bluetooth serial port communications, it is necessary to access and control remote file directory structure. To ensure that under the conditions of serial connections it is convenient and real-time to access the directory structure information, and locate the file accurately, the directory structure must also be controlled dynamically. To address these problems, this paper researches and designs the two-dimensional vector storage structure and access control methods, along with the application and the realization of the method in the Bluetooth serial port communication. The results of practical application show the effectiveness of dynamic access control.
2010, 19(2):185-188.
Abstract:On the basis of analyzing pattern matching algorithm, this paper puts forward an improved algorithm and applies it to data analysis system that can deal with large-scale data. The system establishes an index table in the beginning of data analysis, then analyses data with index table and frame structure table. The algorithm can efficiently resolve large-scale data problem and improve system performance.
2010, 19(2):189-191.
Abstract:Based on the analysis of BF calculate way, KMP calculate way, BMH calculate way, SUNDAY calculate way and ZZL calculate way, this paper puts forward a rapid string precision calculate way used for a keyword index, and gets basic conclusion through an experiment. Finally it points out that the faintness matches the main differentiation that matches with precision and tally up to the full text.
2010, 19(2):192-194.
Abstract:To avoid the overload with details of the manual audit, this paper builds a compiler of C by using two important tools LEX and YACC of UNIX. It adds ourown code to output the relation of function invoked or invoking, while processing the lexical analysis and syntax analysis. Furthermore, the relation table will be put in the database so that it can be listed, queried and counted to maintain the source code.
2010, 19(2):195-197.
Abstract:Several ways are listed about micro-controller's key's processing in this paper. It mainly discusses how to eliminate the mechanical button response and optimize the response time in programming. It proposes a new ADC filter method of the micro-controller, emphasizing upon the processing reality. It uses interrupt sampling and valve value smooth filter in programming to eliminate key's vibration and expand the keyboard. The experiments prove that this method enhances the microcontroller optimal resources and improves the performance.
YANG Zhong-Xu , YANG Shun , HE Wei
2010, 19(2):198-200.
Abstract:Through the analysis of the bytes in the transmission format, the data blocks transmission and the process of the typical session in Magnetic Card Reader Communications Protocol, this paper proposes a communi- cation method between Magnetic Card Reader and Industrial Control Computer (IPC) based on the Visual Basic 6.0 development platform. Combined with the actual development Multi-functional automatic payment machine,it describes the realization process of this method in detail.
2010, 19(2):201-204.
Abstract:Taking the design and simulation of a synchronized decimal addition counter with self-running function as an example, this paper illustrates the application of Proteus to circuit design and simulation teaching. The practice indicates that the vitual development environment based on Proteus is favorable to the reform of the teaching and practice for the spcecialized course because it is not limited by space and time. Thus electronic design automation is truly realized.
2010, 19(2):205-208.
Abstract:From the Embedded system's architecture, this paper illustrates the current situation about Embedded database, and clearly introduces main-stream embedded database's common features, basic characters, key technologies, components and its classification. It points out embedded database's development trend and its breakpoint technically.
2010, 19(2):209-213.
Abstract:This paper analyzes and compares several typical P2P streaming media models and introduces peer selec- tion algorithm used by different P2P streaming media models. It points out the differences between P2P streaming media service models based on multicast tree protocol and gossip protocol. Some issues are mentioned for further research.