• Volume 19,Issue 1,2010 Table of Contents
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    • Research and Design of Intelligent Calling Decision Making System Based on Fuzzy Theory

      2010, 19(1):1-5.

      Abstract (2175) HTML (0) PDF 0.00 Byte (3381) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:To address the decision making problems of arriving control in calling system, this paper starts from the four factors that have influenced the importance of calling customers. It builds a customer importance degree assessment set, and proposes a calling assessment method and related algorithm implementation based on fuzzy synthetic evaluation. It has solved the problem of treating calling customer by designing an intelligent calling decision making system according to this assessment method. At last, by analyzing the loss with non-intelligent system, this paper verifies the intelligent system’s validity and feasibility.

    • AnswerSeeker: Question Answering System Based on Web Mining

      2010, 19(1):6-17.

      Abstract (2369) HTML (0) PDF 0.00 Byte (5181) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:This paper describes the AnswerSeeker question answering engine, a modular and extensible framework that allows integrating multiple approaches to question answering in one system. It supports the two major approaches to question answering, knowledge annotation and knowledge mining. In addition, it proposes one novel approach to question interpretation which abstracts from the original formulation of the question. Text patterns are used to interpret a question and to extract answers from text snippets. Our system automatically learns the patterns for answer extraction, using question-answer pairs as training data. Experimental results reveal the potential of AnswerSeeker.

    • Embedded Real-Time Wireless Image Transmission System Based on S3C2440A

      2010, 19(1):18-21.

      Abstract (1909) HTML (0) PDF 0.00 Byte (4404) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:This is a design of an embedded real-time wireless image transmission system based on S3C2440A. The design uses the S3C2440A for the central controller, USB2.0 controller CY7C68013A for USB2.0 interface and nRf2401 for wireless data transmission. This article expatiates the principle, hardware structure and software design of the system.

    • A Solution That Allows Web Applications to Transverse Multi-Level Firewalls to Access Enterprise Data Resources

      2010, 19(1):22-26.

      Abstract (2066) HTML (0) PDF 0.00 Byte (3040) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:This paper analyses the enterprise network structures. According to the situation that firewalls protect enterprise networks with strict restrictions on external accesses, this paper proposes a software framework that allows web applications to traverse multi-level firewall to access enterprise data resources. Taking the bus station passenger transport schedule query as the example, this paper describes the application system developed with this software framework based on the lightweight JavaEE platform, and presents the detailed implementation methods and procedures. This paper also analyses the application server and describes methods to improve the application server performance. The solution system is easy to extend and maintain with high flexibility. Practical applications prove that the solution has good popularization and application values.

    • A Model for VRML-Based Cooperative System in Multi-User Shared Virtual Environment

      2010, 19(1):27-30.

      Abstract (1941) HTML (0) PDF 0.00 Byte (3151) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:This paper puts forward a model for VRML-based cooperative system in multi-user shared virtual environment. The model adopts B/S structure, designs the workflow of model,and lays emphases on the key technology for virtual scene and avatar, VRML scene communication, the model’s cooperative and parallel control and the database interconnection. It can realize the consistency of scence, the timeliness of network communication and the authenticity of avater in multi-user shared virtual environment.Its feasibility is validated through the implementation of a prototype system.

    • Design and Realization of Trunking System Based on SIP Soft Switch

      2010, 19(1):31-35.

      Abstract (1865) HTML (0) PDF 0.00 Byte (4114) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:Through the analysis and research on the SIP protocol, this paper proposes a solution based on SIP softswitch. It can be used to implement the networking exchange between the base stations in the trunking system, to develop corresponding SIP agent and SIP proxy server, and to solve the NAT penetration problems. The system has been tested in the public security special network.

    • Design and Implementation of User Interface Framework Based on CEGUI

      2010, 19(1):36-39.

      Abstract (3421) HTML (0) PDF 0.00 Byte (5596) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:Through applying the CEGUI(Crazy Eddie's GUI)user interface LIB research, this paper accomplishes the CEGUI’s python encapsulation by using induction, flow optimization and frame Refactoring. User interface development and User interface editor can use this CEGUI python frame to build, optimize the developing flow, reduce the cost of User interface development and improve efficiency.

    • Study and Implementation of Globalization Software Test Technology

      2010, 19(1):40-45.

      Abstract (2064) HTML (0) PDF 0.00 Byte (3471) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:The paper focuses on the issues about the functional globalization testing using software automation testing tools. It introduces the concepts of globalization testing and the difficulties of test performing induced by it. Then, it concludes on the limitations of selenium-java, a popularly used automation testing tool on globalization testing. To address them, it gives an solution.

    • Path Planning of Fluid Dispensing System Based on Ant Colony Optimization

      2010, 19(1):46-50.

      Abstract (2102) HTML (0) PDF 0.00 Byte (2879) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:Fluid dispensing is an important process of Electronic Packaging. In order to improve the low efficiency of the commonly with X/Y-axis optimization algorithm in traditional dispensing process, this paper introduces the Ant Colony Optimization (ACO) algorithm to optimize the dispensing route in offline mode. Extensive simulations show that it greatly outperforms the commonly used X/Y-axis optimization and the dispensing route generated is roughly 50% shorter than X/Y-axis optimization when the holes are close to random distribution, which improves the productivity greatly, especially in batch processing cases.

    • Realization of Perceptron-Based Branch Predictors in SimpleScalar

      2010, 19(1):51-54.

      Abstract (2037) HTML (0) PDF 0.00 Byte (5522) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:SimpleScalar is a superscalar processor monitor which is used widely in performance analysis. This paper first analyzes the internal architecture of SimpleScalar, and on this basis, in-depth analyzes the mechanism to achieve branch prediction. Through an in-depth study of Perceptron-based branch predictor imple- mentation mechanism, it proposes a design to let SimpleScalar support Perceptron-based branch predictor. And this has practical significance for superscalar processor performance modeling and research.

    • Adaptive Anti-Interference of GPS

      2010, 19(1):55-57.

      Abstract (2392) HTML (0) PDF 0.00 Byte (3529) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:In order to resolve the problems of easily interfered and unstable GPS signal, this paper puts forward the INS/GPS integrated navigation method and uses hardware circuit to verify the method. With given INS error model, it designs Kalman filter based on INS/GPS integrated navigation system, which takes posture, speed and position error as state variables. The paper takes east, north and vertical direction velocity error of INS and GPS outputs as the combination filter observation scheme. It uses simulation and experiments to analyze system precision and prove that this scheme is feasible. Then it can also realize the real-time filtering calculation, and meet the demand of navigation accuracy.

    • Dynamic and Adaptive Middleware Based on AOP and Computational Reflection

      2010, 19(1):58-62.

      Abstract (2285) HTML (0) PDF 0.00 Byte (3006) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:Internet provides an open and dynamic operating environment for distributed applications. In order to make middleware which, as a distributed application’s major infrastructure, supports run-time monitoring and adjusts the system’s internal state, structure and behavior, and can make proper adjustment for application's properties and behavior in the process of running. This paper takes the advantages of AOP and computational reflection, and AspectLua integrated into the middleware, and middleware application configuration information prepared using Lua, allowing the middleware to have better self-adaptability.

    • Design and Implementation of a Reliable Transport Protocol for the Satellite Broadcasting Environment

      2010, 19(1):63-66.

      Abstract (2113) HTML (0) PDF 0.00 Byte (3396) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:In this paper, a reliable data transfer protocol based on UDP/IP for the Satellite Broadcasting environment is addressed. Since the satellite transmission network can only transfer the data below the network layer, concentration of the protocol design is the transport layer and application layer. Satellite Broadcasting provides simplex communication mode, so UDP protocol is chosen in the transport layer and the FTP-like is used in the application layer. The protocol was validated in the LAN simulating the Satellite Broadcasting Environment.

    • An Improved Frequent Itemsets Mining Algorithm Based on Combination Approach

      2010, 19(1):67-71.

      Abstract (1903) HTML (0) PDF 0.00 Byte (2664) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:FP-growth algorithm for mining association rules is divided into two phases: building a FP-tree and mining frequent patterns. In this paper new algorithms are proposed to improve the two stages separately. In the first stage, if frequent items in header table have the same support, their position can be dynamically changed to construct a compressed and optimized FP-tree. IMFP-tree algorithm is proposed to realize that function. In the second stage, CFP-mine algorithm is proposed, which constructs pattern-base by using a new method different from the conditional pattern-base in FP-growth.This paper mines frequent itemsets with a new combination method without recursive construction of conditional FP-tree. It has theoretically proved and experimentally verified the correctness and efficiency of CFP-mine algorithm.

    • Component Retrieving in Multi-Library Based on Retrieval Conditions Transformation

      2010, 19(1):72-75.

      Abstract (2219) HTML (0) PDF 0.00 Byte (2677) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:To implement sharing resources in different component libraries can improve the retrieval efficiency. Classification is the basis of retrieval. This paper sets up a number of component libraries based on keywords and ontology classification and introduces the transformation of retrieval conditions in order to help users to retrieve components from the component libraries based on the two classification models. It can avoid users’ proposition of different retrieval conditions for the same demand repeatedly. It can also decrease the cost of understanding in retrieval and improve the recall for keyword retrieve ontology component library. The validity and feasibility of the method is vertified by the experiment.

    • Searching Algorithm Based on Rumor Spreading and Interest Mining

      2010, 19(1):76-81.

      Abstract (2317) HTML (0) PDF 0.00 Byte (2836) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:It is true that the commonly-used P2P searching and spreading algorithm occupies a large bandwidth so that the smooth flow of information is hindered. In this paper, based on the rumor spreading algorithm, combining with the core thinking of interest mining technology, a searching algorithm has been introduced, which has both the advantage of low range of bandwidth and the advantage of strong directing orientation. Furthermore,the algorithm has been simulated, tested, demonstrated and evaluated.

    • >陕西省经济信息中心
    • Load Balancing in Fast Handoff in WLAN

      2010, 19(1):82-85.

      Abstract (2139) HTML (0) PDF 0.00 Byte (2909) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:In fast handoff process of WLAN,this paper presents a method to choose goals for keeping the load balancing. The method combines the AP size of spare bandwidth, the signal intensity and the current load ratio of the AP. To all possible adjacency APs, if the AP free bandwidth is less than the bandwidth needed by the mobile terminal, the APs should not be considered. Otherwise, the function is calculated and the AP is chosen with the maximal function value to connect by using the load ratio of adjacency AP and RSSI of the terminal. Simulation results show that the method is better than other methods in the overall performance. They don’t present that a certain AP is overloaded.

    • Fire Image Date Fusion Based on Neural Network

      2010, 19(1):86-89.

      Abstract (2185) HTML (0) PDF 0.00 Byte (3584) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:Considering the unstability and high erroneous recognition with traditional methods for fire detection, this paper analyzes the characteristics of fire image and the familiar interference light source. Four criteria have been mentioned: the area increases gradually, the centroid changes random, the taper angles and the circularity. Fuzzy neural network(NN) is used in information fusion to distinguish the fire. Experiments show that Fuzzy neural network fire detection algorithm can distinguish the fire flame effectively and improve accuracy.

    • Relevance Heuristic-Based Custom Instruction Selection Algorithms

      2010, 19(1):90-94.

      Abstract (2905) HTML (0) PDF 0.00 Byte (2754) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:Application-specific custom instructions can reduce the length of exectutable code, improve efficiency and reduce system power consumption. Instruction at the candidate selection plays an important role in automa- tice instruction set extension. It influences the performance and efficiency of the instruction extension directly. Although the existing heuristic algorithm has better time performance, it still has room for improvement in time performance and selection result. Thus, this paper proposes a heuristic algorithm based on the directive expansion of inter-relevance. Experimental results show that this algorithm can be quicker and more effective than the existing heuristic algorithm in finding better combinations of the candidate instructions.

    • Offline Chinese Signature Identification Based on 2-Pass System

      2010, 19(1):95-98.

      Abstract (1835) HTML (0) PDF 0.00 Byte (2496) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:In this paper, an offline Chinese signature identification system based on a two stages classifier is built. It adopted pseudo feature and shape feature extraction. The emphasis of shape feature is the pseudo-Zernike moment with rotation, scale and translation invariance and anti-noise character. The pseudo dynamic features high gray feature (HPF), framework aspect gray feature, and gray barycenter feature. It has been proved that the identification of 2-pass system can save a lot of time for identification except in improving the recognition rate.

    • Comprehensive Factors-Based Scheduling Algorithm for P2P Media Streaming

      2010, 19(1):99-103.

      Abstract (1805) HTML (0) PDF 0.00 Byte (2990) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:A comprehensive factors-based (CFB) scheduling algorithm is proposed for Peer-to-Peer media streaming. In CFB scheduling algorithm, considering the number of chunk’s suppliers and urgency,a priority is defined for each data chunk and the neighbors’ bandwidth is effectively evaluated. A peer requests chunks from neighbors according to priorities as well as bandwidth. Simulation results show that the proposed CFB scheduling algorithm for Peer-to-Peer media streaming outperforms conventional scheduling algorithms in peer average throughput, continuity index and start delay.

    • A Method of Knowledge Demand Analysis Based on Customers Fuzzy Clustering

      2010, 19(1):104-107.

      Abstract (2112) HTML (0) PDF 0.00 Byte (2577) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:In this paper, the fuzzy C-means clustering algorithm is improved for enterprise customers fuzzy clustering by introducing the concept of information entropy. Based on this, it’s easy to analyze the customers’ knowledge demand and provide targeted knowledge push services. The experiment proves that the method is effective and has improved the timeliness and accuracy of the enterprise knowledge push services.

    • Texture Design and Synthesis Based on Constrained Multiple Sources

      2010, 19(1):108-113.

      Abstract (2246) HTML (0) PDF 0.00 Byte (3811) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:This paper presents a concept of texture design based on the current constrained multiple sources texture synthesis algorithm,and applies the patch-based texture synthesis to synthesis of texture design. With the predominance of the patch-based texture synthesis to synthesize background, it avoids the phenomenon of texture element malposition, the appearance of strip and blur based on only points matching. At the same time, it adopts the Ashikhmin’s texture synthesis algorithm to synthesize foreground based on points matching to solve the problem of patch-based texture synthesis. The other region is covered with big pieces, by utilizing the image fusion technology to flat the place of splicing naturally. Owing to coalesce the above two algorithms, the speed of this algorithm has preponderated over Xu’s greatly.

    • Application of Intelligent Document Based on VSTO to Enterprise Environmental Information Survey System

      2010, 19(1):114-118.

      Abstract (1954) HTML (0) PDF 0.00 Byte (3682) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:VSTO 2005(Microsoft Visual Studio 2005 Tools for the Microsoft Office System) are bulit-in tools, which are used to develop the solution of Office. This paper proposes an intelligent documents technology based on VSTO, and implement the integration of the Office and the management information system. It was successfully applied to the investigation of the state of environmental protection of the enterprises. Various enterprises users may fill the information on the familiar Office interface, avoiding filling the information on the papers. With the documents variable we set documents condition and implement documents "signature". So the presented technology may guarantee the accurateness, validity and security of the stored enterprise information. Also it can promise the dependability of the print and analysis processes. This system can reduce the cost of the server resource during collecting information in network. The running results of this application system show it has important practical significance and application value.

    • Application of Wireless Sensor Network Based on ZigBee to Order-Meal Restaurants System

      2010, 19(1):119-122.

      Abstract (1771) HTML (0) PDF 0.00 Byte (4739) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:The technical characteristics of the ZigBee networks and types of wireless sensor networks are introduced. Three modes of information-based restaurant management are expounded and the design of the order-meal restaurants system based on ZigBee wireless sensor network is proposed. The concrete management model is given in the proposal and the design of software and hardware is realized. Simultaneously, the processes of the ZigBee Networking is elaborated on. The experimental results show that the function of the ZigBee Networking and data communication is realized. The system has the advantages of low power, low price, and wirelessly designed, with far communication distance.

    • Remote Security Monitoring System Based on GSM\GPRS

      2010, 19(1):123-126.

      Abstract (1801) HTML (0) PDF 0.00 Byte (4630) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:This paper proposes the overall design of remote infrared monitoring and management system based on the Mobile-based GSM \ GPRS network. This system used C8051F15 as its core processor to complete the data acquisition of wireless infrared sensors, door sensors and smoke sensors. The data communication and data transmission of the monitoring center was achieved by the GPRS module of embedding TCP \ IP protocol. The terminal monitoring software based on B / S structure was installed to complete the upstream alarm information and down remote control. The remote real-time monitoring capability was realized eventually.

    • Design and Realization of New Generation of Weather Radar Secondary Productbrowsing System

      2010, 19(1):127-130.

      Abstract (2152) HTML (0) PDF 0.00 Byte (3940) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:Taking a new generation of weather radar systems to secondary products as the data source, the new system is composed of a comprehensive background distribution system and prospects site system with which the secondary radar products can be shared within the network and can be browsed online. Prospects site provides users with rich view models like single-screen, double-screen, four-screen, the list, and so on. It adopts the "page image buffer technology" and achieves a secondary radar products online animation, so that forecasters can accurately understand the evolution of the radar echoes in a span of time. Its background distribution system is based on C / S structure. And its prospects site systemis based on B / S structure. It plays the maximum role of data sharing in network technology.

    • A Dynamic Authentication Based on Matrix Organization

      2010, 19(1):131-136.

      Abstract (1650) HTML (0) PDF 0.00 Byte (3433) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:Dynamic authentication is an important technique in the field of authentication. DAFMAT is a classical authentication framework in this field, however to which application is confined by healthcare organization structure characters. This paper strengthens lateral mechanism by rebuilding DAFMAT model and arranging formal liaison role, and presents a model named DAFMO(dynamic authentication framework for matrix organization). DAFMO satisfies common characters in matrix organization, whose application is extremely extended.

    • Self-Organizing Competitive Artificial Neural Network and Its Application to Selection of Color

      2010, 19(1):137-139.

      Abstract (1508) HTML (0) PDF 0.00 Byte (2936) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:It is an important topic that the color is identified in pattern recognition. This article describes the self-organizing competitive neural network structure and principles, and then with the classification’s applications, extends it to its color choice in the image and realizes it in the computer. Finally, it describes the application of industrial control system in the future.

    • Ant Colony Algorithm for Solving the First Category of Assembly Line Balancing Problem

      2010, 19(1):140-143.

      Abstract (1875) HTML (0) PDF 0.00 Byte (3851) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:Assembly line balancing problem is an important and difficult problem in production management. The first category is the key to the assembly line balancing problem. Based on the assembly line balancing problem analysis and modeling, this paper proposes steps and algorithms of the first category of general assembly line balancing problem using artificial intelligence optimization algorithm of ant colony algorithm, which uses heuristic methods to generate structure program distribution strategy. It introduces pheromone local update policy with a combination of global rules, so that the algorithm has a good purpose, which greatly improved the efficiency of access to the optimal solution. This algorithm can better solve the first type of assembly line balancing problem, and have advantages like high speed, robustness and universal property etc.

    • Improved Character-Base Ant Colony Algorithm and Its Application

      2010, 19(1):144-148.

      Abstract (1664) HTML (0) PDF 0.00 Byte (3235) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:An improved Character-base Ant Colony Algorithm based on Character-base Ant Colony Algorithm and sentience consciousness characters is presented in this paper. It can significantly prevent precocity, then make a balance between accelerating convergence and averting precocity as well as stagnation. The algorithm is applied to clustering analysis and the algorithm steps of the model have been designed to illustrate the performance of the algorithm in this paper. The results of simulation on clustering analysis indicate that the new algorithm is feasible and effective.

    • Design of a New Heating Energy Saving and Measuring System in Building

      2010, 19(1):149-151.

      Abstract (1755) HTML (0) PDF 0.00 Byte (3530) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:Energy saving is the key to the design of building heating measuring system. An energy saving control principle of building saving is proposed in this paper. The key technology is presented. An intelligent and measuring system is designed. The functions such as intelligent control of the room-temperature, identifying staff or not, individual metering are included in this system. The issues of energy saving and individual metering are addressed by this system’s research and development and hence the overall control of the building heating measuring system is improved.

    • Research and Application of an Algorithm for Trend Analysis of Data Streams

      2010, 19(1):152-156.

      Abstract (1801) HTML (0) PDF 0.00 Byte (3885) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:Efficient trend extraction methods can provide early warnings, severity assessments of monitored subjects and information for decision support. The traditional algorithms for trend analysis of curves include Sliding Window algorithm (SW) and Extrapolation for On-line Segmentation of Data algorithm (OSD), which use total least squares for curve fitting. Compared with conventional least squares, the total least squares has a higher accuracy of fitting a straight line. In addition, since there is no restriction on the maximum length of the sliding window for SW algorithm, the length of window can be very long when threshold for Detection of point becomes larger. As OSD algorithm restricts the minimum length of sliding window, mutations within minimum sliding window cannot be detected for defects of the SW algorithm and the OSD algorithm. This paper presents a new method for trend analysis of data streams. The method uses total least squares to improve the accuracy of trend analysis. It also presents variable sliding window algorithm to solve the fixed window problem with the SW algorithm and OSD algorithm to achieve a reasonable segmentation for data streams. The experimental results show that the method is effective.

    • Face Detection Based on YCbcr Skin Color Model and SNOW Classifier

      2010, 19(1):157-160.

      Abstract (2799) HTML (0) PDF 0.00 Byte (4910) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:Face detection, the first step of face recognition, is significant to application. A novel method for face detection in color images is presented by using YCbCr color space. The skin color segmentation is carried out and this skin-lile region is used to be candidate face. Sparse Network Of Winnows(SNOW)classifier is used to detect face region precisely. With Matlab Programming used in the experiment, the results show that the face detection method, which isn’t limited by expression, is suitable in comples background and in detecting many faces.

    • A Multi-Version Maintain Scheme of Data Cube Based on Temporal Hierarchy Chains

      2010, 19(1):161-164.

      Abstract (1782) HTML (0) PDF 0.00 Byte (3227) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:This article first gives formalization definitions of temporal aggregation relation and temporal hierarchy chain for solving the data cube’s multi-version problem caused by pattern’s changes. Then a uniform algorithm for generating the multi-version data cube is proposed. It cannot only maintain the multi-version data cube effectively but also optimize the OLAP queries based on temporal hierarchy chains and thus the efficiency of system is improved.

    • Attribute-Based RBAC System

      2010, 19(1):165-168.

      Abstract (1759) HTML (0) PDF 0.00 Byte (3735) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:In the RBAC system, the list of each us er's roles will be stored in the system. When users enter the system to verify checks before, they will be entitled if passed. However, the validation falls short of some applications today. For this purpose, a number of attributes are added to the control module in the original RBAC system, which allows authentication, obligations and conditions of the three decision strategies to check the permissions. In this way, users can re-determine their rights in the working process of the system.In a RBAC system, adding the concept of property to users can let some previous RBAC system adapted to acquire new applications, while retaining the original advantages of RBAC.

    • SQL Queries with Full Values

      2010, 19(1):169-170.

      Abstract (2112) HTML (0) PDF 0.00 Byte (3070) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:SQL phrases require the use of predicate NOT EXISTS to construct complicated nested query in order to express the full value meaning. Practitioners find it very difficult to write and easy to make errors. Tuple relational calculus can fully express such meaning. This paper uses examples to discuss and demonstrate trans formation rules when trans forming a tuple rel ational calculus expression to a SQL query, which is very helpful to SQL query learners.

    • Optimization of Memory Access Based on Loongson2F

      2010, 19(1):171-175.

      Abstract (2155) HTML (0) PDF 0.00 Byte (3306) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:In most cases, compared to computing time, memory access time takes a much larger proportion of program running time. Therefore, memory access approach can affect the program performance significantly. Testing results show that the performance of ATLAS transplanted on KD-50-I, which is based on Loongson 2F,reaches only 30% of its theoretical peak. In this paper, by exploiting Loop Unrolling technique to decrease memory access frequency, enhancing time and space locality to reduce cache misses and nonblocking cache mechanism to form memory access pipeline, the performance of optimized ATLAS can be improved to 50% higher.

    • Fast Fractal Image Coding Algorithm Based on Sub-Block Feature

      2010, 19(1):176-179.

      Abstract (2118) HTML (0) PDF 0.00 Byte (2746) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:To reduce the long encoding time of fractal compression algorithm, this paper proposes an improved algorithm. It uses the similar characteristics of sub-block, and converts the basic fractal image coding’s entire search into the nearest neighbor search of a relative di fference defined in this paper, and to the only search of the domain blocks which have the same difference. This method can reduce the search space.Experimental results demonstrate that, compared with the basic fractal image coding, the proposed algorithm can speed up the encoding process with the gurantee of the image’s quality.

    • Testpaper Auto-Assembling from Question Database on Genetic Algorithm

      2010, 19(1):180-184.

      Abstract (1945) HTML (0) PDF 0.00 Byte (2826) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:The paper introduces a mathem atical model of testpaper assembling on genetic algorithm, defines an adaptive function on testpaper assembling, and provides some ideas on multi-object parameter optimization on restricted terms by genetic algorithm. In the evolutionary processes of seeds initialization, operators selecting, operator crossing, operation differentiation, the best solution is finally worked out. Results of experiments indicate, genetic algorithm is more effi cient than other algorithms on testpaper auto-assembling.Random algorithm which could achieves testpaper non-adjacency distribution, is a new method for similar multi-object restriction and non-adjacency combination problems.

    • Web-Oriented Cutting Algorithm of Remote Sensing Images Based on Java and C++

      2010, 19(1):185-189.

      Abstract (2126) HTML (0) PDF 0.00 Byte (4663) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:With the progress of researches on the integration of Geographic Information System (GIS) and Remote Sensing (RS), digital earth, and information sharing, it has become significant to publish RS images on the Internet. A large image is often extract ed into different levels of detail and cut into pieces or tiles to construct a pyramid structure for Web distribution. Therefore, an efficient and flexible cutting algorithm of RS images under the Internet environment is correspondingly expected. In this paper, methods to achieve programming by combining Java with C++ are discussed. The JNI-based combined programming is discussed in four sections, including parameter trans fer, call C++ functions in Java, call Java functions in C++, and exception handling. Subsequently, the Web-oriented cutting algorithm of RS images is implemented based on the above combined programming, which makes the rapid Web publication of RS images become easier to accomplish. Tests of the program with a global RS image prove that the design scheme is feasible and the algorithm is effi cient, stable, and flexible.

    • Data Structure of Multi-Keyword

      2010, 19(1):190-193.

      Abstract (1952) HTML (0) PDF 0.00 Byte (3560) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:This Paper is about the limitations of the commonly used data structure. It puts forward an idea for Dat e Structure of Multi-Keyword and its matching algorithms. Finally, it discusses the use of matching parameters.

    • Design of Wireless Gateway Based on ZigBee and Ethernet

      2010, 19(1):194-197.

      Abstract (2103) HTML (0) PDF 0.00 Byte (5910) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:The design of wirless gateway based on ZigBee and Ethernet establishes interconnection between the ZigBee Sensor Network and Ethernet Network to make the equipment used in monitoring and the Internet linked effectively. It does not only accomplish date translation and protocol conversion between them transparently, but also provides with a wider telecontrol platform for the ZigBee Sensor Network further. In this paper, the authors give the hardware design of the gateway based on CC2430 and RTL8019, and propose a method of the protocol conversion.

    • >Survey
    • A Survey:Application of Multi-Agent Technology to Urban Traffic System

      2010, 19(1):198-203.

      Abstract (2929) HTML (0) PDF 0.00 Byte (8107) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:By adopting communication, coordination and corporation between agents, multi-agent technology can express complex system and especially can be used to model urban traffic system. Based on the analysis of the characters of multi-agent technology and urban traffic system, application status are summarized from the urban traffic management system, traveler information system and public transportation system. The most representative applications of all areas are also introduced and analyzed. Study shows that multi-agent technology provides effective solutions for urban traffic problems, and it is suggested that in order to make a better use of multi-agent technology, traffic environment and activities need to be modeled correctly. Communication needs to be reduced. Computational and coordination complexity need to be cut down. System stability and security need to be strengthened. Further applications and research directions are also discussed in detail.

    • A Comparative Study of Several Methods for General Question Database Management System

      2010, 19(1):204-207.

      Abstract (2010) HTML (0) PDF 0.00 Byte (2743) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:This paper studies several question input-output methods of the general question database management system. It compares their strong and weak points, and gives corresponding program codes. Simul- taneously, it puts forward a special input-output method of developping general question management system. The experimental result indicates this method is more stable than other methods and the processing efficiency is also higher.

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