• 2009年第18卷第6期文章目次
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    • 教育领域中的一个服务应用:基于SOA的学分银行系统①

      2009, 18(6):1-5.

      摘要 (2143) HTML (0) PDF 0.00 Byte (3625) 评论 (0) 收藏

      摘要:The paper presents a new service application in education area, namely credit bank. Credit bank is a service provided by authorized education organizations so that customers can save, manage and exchange education credits. The paper focus on establishing a service oriented information system to support the idea of credit bank. After introducing its concept, the paper studies the requirement of credit bank from both business and technical point of view. Then it presents a practical step-by-step guideline to identify services in the system. The guideline is applied to design credit bank information system (CBIS) as a case study. The contributions of the paper are: (i) It gives a new idea about how service can be used to benefit education; (ii) It presents a useful method for service identification in system design with case study.

    • 一种基于广义决策逻辑的面向终端用户的服务组合形式化模型

      2009, 18(6):6-6.

      摘要 (1898) HTML (0) PDF 0.00 Byte (3432) 评论 (0) 收藏

      摘要:Service Oriented Architecture (SOA) and Service Oriented Computing (SOC) are prevailing technologies for sharing and reusing resources. Service composition is an envisioned methodology used in SOA and SOC to build value-added services. The existed service composition models are mostly information technology expert-oriented and there is few considering the requirement from the point of view of end-users. Different with the IT experts, who can express their requirements using precise and well-formed formal language and understand the formal description of web service, the end-users are unnecessarily to be sophisticated on the complicated knowledge of computer science and are prone to consider the service composition in fuzzy and rough fashions. There's seldom work carried on considering the contradiction between the vague and uncertain requirements of end-user and the precise and deterministic process of service composition. Granular computing is a kind of promising methodology for solving the fuzzy and rough problems in artificial intelligence, interval theory, rough set theory and cluster analysis, etc. The basic idea of granular computing is problem solving with different granularities, which can be used in service composition to solve the aforementioned contradiction intuitively, that is, it can be used to create a multi-grain model for service composition and make users and service composition agent work in different information granule level separately. A multi-grain formal model for service composition is proposed in this paper. This model considers the requirement of customers in service composition in the end-user view and we give a formal specification on mapping the web service description to the generalized decision logic language (GDL) for construction of multi-grain service composition view. GDL is a formal logic language proposed in granular computing research community as an expecting specification for definition of granular models. The proposed model is expected to provide a more understandable view for an end-user than traditional service composition model and conforms to the human cognition mode.

    • 基于BIRIS的海运物流服务平台案例研究

      2009, 18(6):7-13.

      摘要 (1670) HTML (0) PDF 0.00 Byte (3484) 评论 (0) 收藏

      摘要:With increasing competition in international marine logistics service industry, the voice of improving marine logistics service for reducing operation cost and improving service quality is much higher. Aiming at the marine logistics services between Weihai and Korea, this paper makes a case study to design a BIRIS-based public platform for this service. Firstly, current business scenarios of Sino-Korea marine logistics services are briefly analyzed and some business issues that need to be solved urgently are listed, e.g., lack of effective communication channel between cargo owners and various service providers, low coordination efficiency between different service providers etc. Aiming at these problems, a BIRIS based marine logistics service platform is designed. TO-BE business scenario, SOA techniques for developing such platform, and some examples of identifying services, designing service interfaces and designing portal for each service provider, are elaborately shown.

    • 服务价值的若干性质初探

      2009, 18(6):14-14.

      摘要 (1943) HTML (0) PDF 0.00 Byte (3064) 评论 (0) 收藏

      摘要:Service is defined as a provider-to-client co-production that creates and captures value while sharing risks. By collaborating people, resources and techniques from customers and providers together, a service system co-produces and delivers proposed values to all the participants of the service. As value holds a central position in lifecycle of services, it should be fully considered and aware of in full lifecycle of a service and it is very essential to be conscious of characteristics of values. This is the objective of this paper. Firstly, we make a classification on service values. Broad-sense value is produced either by transferring “things” between participants, or by improving some states of participants. Nine types of service values, including Economics Value, Product Value, Information Value, Resource Usage Value, Experience Value, Physical Value, Enjoyment Value, Social Impact Value, Knowledge and Skill Value, are roughly explained. Four means of value delivery between providers and customers are briefly discussed. However, most of current existing service model specifications (e.g., blueprint model, BPMN, SPC) emphasize particularly on service process modeling and values attract relatively little attentions among these methods. To remedy this defect, we put forward a new concept "Value Point" by which various types of values are closely connected with processcentric service models. Next, we do some preliminary discussions on characteristics of service value, including decompo- sability, composability, transitivity, transformation, and dependency. Connotation of each characteristic is elaborately discussed, followed by a set of real-world examples for illumination. Graphical representations of these characteristics are also presented to facilitate visual modeling of service values. Decomposability: implementation of one coarse-grained value is decomposed into implementation of a set of small values. Composability: multiple existing fine-grained values compose together to form a new coarse-grained value; Transitivity: a value is transferred from one participant to another without changing its modality; Transformation: one type of value is transformed into another type. Dependency: improvement on one value leads to improvement or deterioration of another value to a specific degree. Afterwards, based on these value characteristics, we briefly introduced a Value-Aware Service Engineering and Methodology (VASEM). Besides functional and performance transformation from initial requirements to final service systems, VASME emphasizes particularly on being aware of values in full lifecycle of a service, including value expression, value keeping, value adding, value realizing, value optimizing, and so on, based on above discussed characteristics of values. Result of this paper will provide some conducts to the research on service eco-system modeling, service engineering and methodology. It helps define objective of value delivery of a service system (i.e., value proposition), provide decision-making evidences to service modeling, support value-driven model transformation, and facilitate value-oriented service evaluation and optimization.

    • 从过程价值的角度出发对集成的客户方案进行定价

      2009, 18(6):15-15.

      摘要 (2166) HTML (0) PDF 0.00 Byte (2845) 评论 (0) 收藏

      摘要:Integrating products and services to customized solutions can help firms to differentiate from their competitors. In practice, however, various companies fall short in extracting value from their customers. Therefore this paper focuses on pricing aspects as central means for value appropriation in the context of solutions. Following the resource-based view of the firm, we adopt a process-oriented perspective on pricing practices in order to identify crucial factors and activities. Based on 15 in-depth interviews with practitioners from various industries we derive six steps of a price management process for value appropriation in the context of solution selling and present critical activities and routines within each step.

    • 中国服务业利用外商直接投资实证分析

      2009, 18(6):16-16.

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      摘要:In the process of global industrial adjustment, the structure of Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) has shifted towards services. The degree of openness of service industry has been greatly improved since China's opening up to the outside world. As a result, FDI in services has grown substantially. It can be expected that China's service industry will become the most attractive field to foreign capital. In this paper, the status, problems and determinants of FDI in China's service industry are analyzed. Compared with the world growth trend of services FDI and its changing mix, the stock of China's services FDI is rather small and the sector distribution is uneven: the proportions of finance, trade and fundamental service sectors are very small, while FDI in real estate, leasing and business services account for very large share. Services FDI in China shows strong locational preference, while the sector distribution in provinces or cities does not have much difference, mostly concentrating in such service sectors as real estate and social services. Services FDI in China are positively influenced by the degree of openness and market scale. However, there aren't appreciable relationships between services FDI and the infrastructure, development level of service industry and human capital. It conducts empirical analyses on the relationship between services FDI and the value-added, labor productivity of China's service industry. It shows that the positive relationship between services FDI and the development of China's service industry is not evident. There exists a positive correlation between services FDI and labor productivity of China's service industry, but this effect has a time lag. Some countermeasures are put forward accordingly.

    • 采用RBF来支撑互联网络上的电路模拟服务

      2009, 18(6):17-25.

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      摘要:Circuit Emulation Service (CES) aims to enable packet switched networks to provide guaranteed services with comparable qualities of circuit switched networks. Our paper addresses the key issue of QoS of CES flows over Internet. Enlightened by the time division idea popularly used in circuit switched networks, we propose a time division based control mechanism to provide guaranteed QoS for the constant-rate CES flows. The control mechanism is able to estimate the arrival times of the coming packets in CES flows, and reserve the time slots for them. Accordingly, it enables the packets to consume the reserved time slots of their own, so the CES flows are guaranteed to be processed. Refreshing Bloom Filter (RBF), an efficient data representation structure, is proposed to support the time division control mechanism. It consists of multiple bloom filters, and can efficiently record the arrival time slots of millions of packets. The proposed control system model could be a practical tool to support Circuit Emulation Services over Internet.

    • 面向个性化推荐的两层混合图模型

      2009, 18(6):26-26.

      摘要 (1801) HTML (0) PDF 0.00 Byte (2906) 评论 (0) 收藏

      摘要:A hybrid graph model for personalized recom- mendation, which is based on small world network and Bayesian network, is presented. The hybrid graph model has two-layers. The bottom level means user's layer and the upper one means merchandise's layer. The user's layer is an undirected arcs graph, which describes the relation of the user's nodes by small world network. The undirected arcs inside the connected nodes of user's layer mean the similarity of the preference of users. These arcs are weighted by relational strength. The weight represents node's similarity or link's strength and intensity. Nodes in the same group are more similar to each other or more strongly connected. Users in a same group have the same or similar trendy of preferences. The merchandise's layer describes the relation of goods or produce to others. It is connected by directed links, which means an implicated definition among merchandises, a user that purchase certain merchandise also tends to purchase another. The properties and content of merchandise can be used to show the similarity of the merchandise. The relations between user's layer and merchandise's layer are connected by directed links. The start node of the directed links is a user node in user's layer belonging to some node group, which is gained by small world network. The end node of links is the node of some merchandise of the merchandise's layer. The directed links between the user's layer and the merchandise's layer are connected based on trade information of users. The strength of the relation between users and merchandises can be denoted by the probability parameter. The probability parameter shows a possibility of some users selecting for some merchandises. Firstly, algorithms for users clustering and for anal- ysis of new user interest are presented to construct a hybrid graph model. Two important characteristic parameters, which are in small-world network, are introduced. These are characteristic path length and clustering coefficient. New user interest analysis is to judge which clustering group is the best match by calculating the distance of the new user node to the others user nodes. Secondly, Bayesian network for causality of merchandises and users is constructed. It can be divided two parts, structure learning and parameter learning. The paper adopts the maximal mutual information principle to restrict complexity based on degree of Bayesian network. A new maximal mutual information entropy score function with restriction is defined and a maximum likelihood estimate algorithm is used to calculated parameter. Thirdly, recommending algorithm for new user is presented. In the algorithm, the initialized inputs can utilize some users information including the attributes and browsing process of a user. A proper user-clustering group will be gained by clustering matching with other users in small world network based on this information. Then all the other users nodes, which connect to this user, are selected based on a threshold of path length in the clustering. The recommended merchandise set of these users will be obtained by Bayesian network inference using these nodes as proofs. Finally, a set of recommendation of merchandise is presented for user according to their order of probability distribution. The paper uses the mean absolute error to evaluate the model and MovieLens database is selected. The experimentation shows that the model be accomplished to represent the relationships from user to user, merchandise to merchandise, and user to merchandise. The result shows that the hybrid graph model has a good performance in personalized recommendation.

    • 软件即服务应用框架中配置的设计与实现

      2009, 18(6):27-32.

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      摘要:The challenges for Software as a Service (SaaS) application are how to provide a set of methods to enable tenants to configure the application and how to ensure that after their configuration, the applications they subscribed will run accurately. In this study, we focus on application configuration which is one of the most significant features of SaaS and discuss the differences between configuration and customization. Furthermore, we bring up a more configurable Framework based on workflow management and rule management. In order to prove that the framework is able to provide more flexible configuration capabilities for tenants, we implement a conference management system (confOnline) based on this framework.

    • 从面向对象的遗留系统到面向服务架构的迁移方法

      2009, 18(6):33-39.

      摘要 (1979) HTML (0) PDF 0.00 Byte (3040) 评论 (0) 收藏

      摘要:Migrating legacy system with web service is an effective and economic way of reusing legacy software in a SOA environment. In this paper, we present an approach for migrating a three-tie object-oriented legacy system to SOA environment. The key issue of the approach is about services identification from large numbers of classes. And we propose a bottom-up method to model the system with UML and identify services from UML then. This approach can be a reference to an auto-migrating process.

    • 再多一次接触:顾客反馈机制对服务失败后顾客评价的影响

      2009, 18(6):40-40.

      摘要 (2036) HTML (0) PDF 0.00 Byte (3111) 评论 (0) 收藏

      摘要:It is difficult to control service quality for any service firm and service failure is inevitable due to human or non-human factors. As a result, service recovery stirred the interest of researchers and practitioners. However, service failure may not be identified by firms because a majority of dissatisfied customers will not complain to the service provider. Thus, this research proposes a proactive customer feedback mechanism comprised of proactive solicitation of customer feedback, customers providing feedback and follow-up communication and examine their impact of customer evaluations in the context of service failure. This research tries to establish that through adding a continuous series of satisfied service encounters or "moment of truth" to service failure encounters, the customer evaluations (e.g. satisfaction, trust, purchase intent and positive WOM) toward the service will be significantly improved. Our research employed a 2×2×2 between subjects experimental design. Three independent variables were manipulated as presence and absence level, that is, firms either proactively solicitted customer feedback or employed no solicitation of feedback, Customers either provided feedback to the service firm or refused to provide feedback, and service firm either conducted follow-up communication or no follow-up communication. Our research adoptted a scenario in the context of patronizing a three-star hotel on a business trip. In total, 221 business administration graduates from a famous university in Shanghai participated in the experiment. MANOVA was used to test the hypotheses. The results indicated that proactive solicitation significantly influenced trust (p<0.01). Besides satisfaction, the other dependent variables such as trust, purchase intent and positive WOM significantly differred between with and without follow-up communication groups (p<0.05). Third, a significant difference was detected regarding satisfaction, trust, purchase intent and positive WOM between customer providing feedback groups and no customer feedback groups (p<0.05). Moreover, significant interactive effects were found of customers provided feedback and follow-up communication on trust and purchase intent. Trust and purchase intent reached highest when a follow-up communication occurred after customers provided feedback. However, no interactive effects were found of proactive solicitation of customer feedback and customer providing feedback. This research suggests that service providers should create new encounters with customers when they are confronted with service failure, and in this study, through proactive customer feedback mechanism. That is, first, the service provider should encourage customers to provide feedback, which can improve customer evaluations after service failure and after customers providing feedback. At the same time, the firm should employ follow-up communication with the customer and inform them about how the firm responded to their complaints, suggestions and comments. It is worth to note that companies just need to have follow-up communication with those customers who have provided feedback. More important, as information technology and internet prevails, it is very likely sending email and short messages after a service failure to maintain customer relationships could significantly enhance customer evaluations of the service provider. Of course, how consumers respond to such measures online is an promising research area and needs further investigation.

    • 创建有效的解决方案:从过程的角度出发

      2009, 18(6):41-41.

      摘要 (1738) HTML (0) PDF 0.00 Byte (2670) 评论 (0) 收藏

      摘要:Global competition and declining margins have made enterprises in diverse industries increasingly aware that assuring low cost, product performance and high quality is no longer sufficient for long-term success. Integrating products and services to customized solutions can help firms to differentiate from their competitors. Based on 11 in-depth interviews with managers from solution providers and an exploratory survey with 45 solution providers we derive a four-step process of value creation as well as a set of critical activities and pitfalls within each step. Selling solutions require customer-supplier relational processes comprising analysis/consulting, design/configuration, implementation/delivery, and support/operation. To get a better understanding of the relational process we adopted this perspective on creating solutions in order to identify crucial routines and activities. Two main capabilities within this process can be identified: customer interaction and project management. Both capabilities are required in order to deliver more effective solutions at profitable prices.

    • 基于社区软件外包服务过程的质量评价方法

      2009, 18(6):42-42.

      摘要 (1956) HTML (0) PDF 0.00 Byte (2754) 评论 (0) 收藏

      摘要:Outsourcing software development to the community developers is a promising model to help reduce software development cost and improve development efficiency. In this paper, we present a method to evaluate the quality of service in the managing such community-based software outsourcing process. In the community-based software outsourcing service, a customer (e.g., a software company) firstly releases the requirement and design specifications of a software system to the community, then the community helps to decompose the whole development tasks into a set of fine-grained tasks (including programming, designing test cases, testing, etc) and allocate them to community developers (programmers, testers, project managers, etc). These service providers work to fulfill the tasks and submit results to the community. In this service, quality is quite important and it is necessary to evaluate the quality of both final submitted software entities and various development activities, to ensure that all the initial requirements have been completely and correctly accomplished. In our quality evaluation method, there are three types of objects whose service quality need to be evaluated, i.e., products, behaviors and people. Specifically speaking, they are the deliverables (codes, testcases, test records) submitted by each service provider, the development process, and various community developers, respectively. For each type of the objects, we designed five dimensions of quality indicators, i.e. time and efficiency, price and cost, quality of service content, resources and conditions, reputation and risk. A set of refined quality indicators is designed for each of the five dimensions. Aiming at each quality indicator, we put forward the corresponding measurement method, i.e., quantitatively calculating the value of each quality indicator based on the original data automatically collected from the community platform and some subjective evaluation opinions from customers. Then, traditional AHP method is adopted to calculate the total quality of each service object (products, behavior and people) by accumulating all the quality indicators together. A prototype is developed to support above evaluation process and exhibit the results of quality evaluation. Results of the quality evaluation will help to: (1) monitor the execution of community-based software outsourcing service and to obtain up-to-date quality information; (2) find quality deficiencies timely and take remedial measures against them; (3) guide better selection of community developers ased on their historical quality records.

    • 基于神经网络的软件外包过程模式决策研究

      2009, 18(6):43-50.

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      摘要:Software outsourcing has became a common method used in software development. To guide the software outsourcing process pattern decision, this paper puts up a neural network based decision model which is made up of a group of orthogonal and concurrent input factors, a three-tier neural network decision architecture and a group of output process patterns. The model is verified with a real software outsourcing process pattern decision case. This model provides the theory for the development of outsourcing decision tools and complete decision supporting mechanism for various outsourcing model in every phase of software engineering.

    • 扩展服务蓝图描述法:描述包含软件的服务

      2009, 18(6):51-56.

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      摘要:Since software has infiltrated in many services, designers need to consider service design and software design as a whole. This paper provides a novel service description method by adding a line of software in service blueprint method based on the discussion of software-included services.

    • 服务合成的性能预测

      2009, 18(6):57-63.

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      摘要:One benefit of SOA is from service composition which combines existing services to form a new valued-added service in the form of business process. This also creates the need to ensure that the performance of those composite services meets the business requirements. This paper proposes a method for evaluating the performance of composite services. We automatically transform a composite service modeled by BPEL, into a performance model based on Layered Queuing Networks (LQN) and then leverage existing LQN solvers to predict their performance. The inputs to our transformation algorithm are an XML file which contains a service composition model complying with the BPEL4WS specification, a related performance profile and a service topology. The output of the model is the corresponding LQN model which can be directly analyzed using existing LQN solvers.

    • 服务创新顾问案中所采用的顾问方法整理与评估

      2009, 18(6):64-71.

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      摘要:Many consulting firms and research institutions have started providing consultancy services for service innovations. However, academic research has not kept pace with rapidly changing developments in consulting businesses. This study evaluated all known methods currently used in service innovation consulting, and analyzed the actual practices of service innovation consulting to clarify trends in service innovation. Methods are evaluated by their strategy orientation and divergence orientation, and then classified according to a proposed general service innovation consulting framework. The findings of this study indicate that the current focus of service innovation consulting is: customer needs discovery. However, an integrated service innovation methodology covering customer needs discovery, market discovery, idea generation, strategy formulation, service engineering, and simulation/pilot is urgently needed.

    • 一种支持广义服务组合的遗传算法

      2009, 18(6):72-82.

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      摘要:In the last decade, selection and composition of Web services have drawn increasing attentions. However, real-life services are not only web services but complicated eco-systems composed of various service elements like human, resources, environment, etc, and existing service composition methods cannot be directly applied to such real-life service composition scenarios. In this paper, we propose a conceptual model for generalized real-life service composition. In this model, service behaviors are abstracted as service components and uniformly described by XML. Various service requirements raised by customers are completely listed and classified. Based on these works, a genetic algorithm for real-life service composition is presented to select the best matching service components and compose them together. The algorithm's effectiveness of obtaining optimal solution is proved by a prototype system.

    • 基于ITIL标准的移动变更与配置管理系统研究与实现

      2009, 18(6):83-89.

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      摘要:With the rapid growth of powerful mobile devices, to improve the speed and quality of customer service, mobilizing their workforce became more and more important to many companies. Consequently, all kinds of enterprise applications, policies and data access are enabled through mobile platforms. However, how to manage such various mobile types and mobile applications and to integrate them with existing enterprise IT infrastructure becomes a great challenge. In this paper, we propose a novel approach to manage the enterprise mobiles through IT service management by using standard ITIL processes. Motivated by real cases of insurance industry mobile solution, firstly, a system architecture named BlueStar is designed which integrated ITIL-compliant mobile management and enterprise IT service management into a uniform platform. Secondly, typical ITIL processes and best practices: Change and configuration workflow are introduced for mobility management. Thirdly, the BlueStar system included device management component is implemented and evaluated by the motivating cases.

    • 一种在CDMA网状系统中通过完整分组信息分配Walsh码的方法

      2009, 18(6):90-95.

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      摘要:method for allocating Walsh codes by group in a CDMA (Code Division Multiple Access) cellular system is disclosed. The proposed system provides a method for grouping, allocating, removing and detecting of the minimum traffic group to minimize the time for allocating a call or transmitted data to an idle Walsh code, thereby, improving the performance of the system and reducing the time required to set up the call. The new concept of CGIWC has been presented to solve the calls or data allocating and removal from the Walsh Code. Preferably, these steps are performed by a BCS (Base station Call control Processor) at a CDMA base station. Moreover, a comparison with the previous work has been shown for the support of our related work. At the end, the future direction in which the related work can be employed, are highlighted

    • 一种统一的服务描述语言分析与设计

      2009, 18(6):96-102.

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      摘要:During the recent years, Service-Oriented Computing (SOC), as a new computing paradigm, has been widely accepted in academies and industry. More and more service-oriented computer system analysis and design methodologies have been proposed. It is believed that if a service-oriented methodology is based on compatible concepts and description methods between the application domain and the system responsibility, it would take more advantages. So, in this paper, a Unified Service Description Language (USDL) is suggested based on our understanding of service and its attributes to unify description of web service and general service in application domain. With a demo in DELCCA project, USDL is asserted to efficiently support service oriented analysis and design.

    • 电子通路与公司绩效关联性之研究

      2009, 18(6):103-107.

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      摘要:The stimulus of advances in Information Technology (IT), particularly the Internet, has forced firms to explore new organizational forms and deliver service innovation. Emerging Internet-based electronic distribution channels, i.e., Internet channels, might be another forms of services innovation for firms to face the market dynamics. However, empirical studies fail to provide direct evidence of whether Internet channels enhance business performance[1]. In order to fill in the literature gap, this empirical study attempts to investigate performance implications of Internet channels in Taiwan by means of applying data envelopment analysis (DEA). Results show that operating efficiency of financial services firms following the Internet channels announcement is increased. This work therefore concludes that Internet channels have positive influence on business performance.

    • 结合ISO 9000品质管理系统与PZB缺口模式以达成顾客满意目标之整合方法

      2009, 18(6):108-113.

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      摘要:The aim of this study is to combine the designed structure of ISO 9001:2000 QMS and the analysis flow of PZB Gap Model. Related requirements of ISO 9001:2000 QMS were "build-in" into the five gaps of the PZB Gap Model, during 3 phases, for the achievement of service quality. In phase 1, to identify Gaps by using PZB Gap Model as an analysis tool; In phase 2, we fill Gaps by applying ISO 9001:2000 clauses requirements; In phase 3, action are taken to close or narrow Gaps by developing SOP which can be followed by employees in accordance with ISO requirements suggested in phase 2. The integrated model and 3-phase transformation could be utilized as an effective and efficient tool to achieve customer satisfaction objective. It can not only to help both the manufacturing and service industries to satisfy or exceed the ultimate customer needs, but also to improve the processes among enterprises' whole quality management system. To verify our suggested model, we helped a university's Extension Education Training Center in Taiwan to establish its ISO quality management system. A Quality Manual and some ISO procedures were assigned to improve related "Gap" which designed in accordance with our integrated model. From the help of such an ISO and PZB combined philosophy, not only its efficiency improved, the higher trainee satisfaction was also reached.

    • 服务接触中的不公平事件:从顾客的角度

      2009, 18(6):114-119.

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      摘要:This study was designed to answer several key questions regarding the service injustice customers perceived during the service delivery. Using the critical incident technique, the authors collected 195 unfair incidents from a variety of service organizations. The initial sorting of the incidents resulted in four major groups: information asymmetry, unfair procedure, inappropriate attitudes and manners of the service personnel, and unfair outcomes. Within the four major classifications of critical incidents, 13 secondary categories were identified. A further analysis was conducted to discover the underlying reason why customers feel unfair in the service encounters. Finally, some implications for service managers were discussed.

    • 一种基于CRM模型的SaaS解决方案

      2009, 18(6):120-124.

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      摘要:In the middle of current financial crisis, measures have to be undertaken by working with fine user experience to alleviate the difficulties faced by every software corporation. Combining the CRM model with traditional SaaS mode, customers have little time and money in purchasing and deploying software resources. Meanwhile, developers will gradually improve the system according to user experience and feedback; besides, provide users with personalized service to obtain users' satisfaction and loyalty. The ultimate goal is to gain considerable profits for these companies to tide over the period of financial crisis.

    • 机场服务质量之评价

      2009, 18(6):125-129.

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      摘要:The evaluation of airport service quality is an important issue in the air travel transportation industry. The aim of this paper is to construct a SERVQUAL method for evaluating the service quality of airport. This assessment model is tested by a Taiwanese airport. The results show that this assessment model proposed in this paper seems to be promising. Finally, some interesting conclusions and useful suggestions are given to airport to improve the service quality.

    • 全球仓库配送系统创建高效的物流

      2009, 18(6):130-133.

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      摘要:The heart of any modern manufacturing business is an efficient warehouse management and distribution service. Customers' expectations about product delivery times and availability have changed such that they demand fast service-at low cost and with low errors. This paper introduces a computerized system solution called Warehouse Administration Service System or WASS, which enables the manufacturers, especially those manufacturers who are doing global business, to control their product flow from production to the customer. WASS supports the receiving, storing, shipping and inventory management of goods in which manufacturers create an effective logistics and supply chain management. The paper also shows the successful case that SKF* uses the WASS in its global warehouse distribution network to service customers in the most efficient way and concept of green supply chain.

    • BPEL流程监视的可视化实现

      2009, 18(6):134-142.

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      摘要:When a BPEL process is executed, it is necessary to dynamically monitor the process. BPEL is a executable language, which is not suitable for visual monitoring. On the other hand, BPMN is designed to visually describe business process and is more intuitive for monitoring. To visually monitor a BPEL process, transformation from BPEL to BPMN is necessary. However, current study of transformation from BPEL to BPMN does not support the transformation of "link" activity. Besides, no work has been done to add supplementary information into BPMN during transformation. In this paper, we transform nested BPEL process into a flat BPMN process graph without hierarchy through applying a flattening strategy. Especially, we analyze various scenarios of the transformation of link activity, and provide a method to deal with it. Besides, we analyze the mapping between BPEL activities and BPMN graph, through which we found out that some supplementary information cannot automatically obtained from BPEL process. These supplementary information need to be added during transformation. At the end of this paper, we present the structure of our monitoring tool which is based on our transformation algorithm.

    • 信息服务工程与管理专业的精英式工程教育模式探讨

      2009, 18(6):143-147.

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      摘要:Under the guidance of the training tactics for the graduate, "first to guarantee the solid technology, then to expand the knowledge field of management and business", the new discipline named Information Service Engineering and Management introduces eleven courses mentioned below:, , , , , , , , , , , 9 courses of which will be first introduced in SSDUT. In the second term for the juniors, basing on the course of Project Management Method and Practice and Web Development Technology and Practice, with the orientation of project practice, focusing on the main line of students, elite engineering education is to be promoted through team development practice with whole interaction in the certain classrooms to cultivate compound talents with comprehensive knowledge of technology, management and business.

    • 基于C2C的电子商务信用体系研究

      2009, 18(6):148-153.

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      摘要:Credit problem is the main bottleneck which hinders the development of e-commerce. This paper analyzes the current representative C2C credit evaluation models of Taobao and Youa, and proposes an improved model. The improved model uses a multi-standard evaluation system and new credit rating rules. And the evaluation algorithm considers the score of multi-standards, category and price of the commodity together, using a weighted system to calculate the credit score then to determine the credit rating. It solves the main problems which the current C2C credit rating algorithms haven't settled. In addition, the model puts forward some identification measures of false trading, the ID verification rules, and a third-party credit certification center, which partly solve the credit fraud problems arising from the credit island and credit speculation. Finally, the paper compares the improved model with current models to show its superiority.

    • 基于注解的服务编排

      2009, 18(6):154-160.

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      摘要:Service orchestration plays a vital role in assembling services into business processes in a Service Oriented Architecture. In current practices, the orchestrating logic is usually described by a process language, which is therefore separated from the services in the system implemented by certain programming language. It introduces two issues: 1) It cost additional efforts for developers to be proficient with a new process language/script, and its running environment. 2) It causes development performance degradation due to transformation efforts for process language and programming language, such as transforms Java services into web services. To overcome these issues, this paper proposes a novel alternative system which takes advantage of the annotation construct of Java programming language to represent business processes. Through the experiments, we found that developers can efficiently develop business processes based on their current proficient programming language skill using the proposed system to achieve the service orchestration.

    • 基于情境感知的服务系统

      2009, 18(6):161-167.

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      摘要:The paper gives an overview of a recently started research project addressing the question: Can context be exploited to add value to IT-services? Beyond today's way-finding services based on GPS and maps, we believe there is a new class of context-aware pervasive services making good use of a broad range of context information (e.g. identity, time of day, temperature, history as well as relative location of friends and belongings). Last but not least we believe one can find ways of adding value to IT-services by using disembodied conversational agents based on voice, sounds and visual signals integrated into the environment, instead of being guided by explicit directions shown on a display. The project aims at giving both new fundamental insight about the theory behind IT-services, their architecture and user interfaces and at building a number of prototypes demonstrating innovative context-aware pervasive IT-services.

    • 跨境金融物流服务创新及保税物流园区个案分析

      2009, 18(6):168-174.

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      摘要:In the middle of current finance tsunami, there demand measures from the governments across the border between Hong Kong and Mainland to alleviate the financing difficulties faced by the Hong Kong invested enterprises in Pearl River Delta (PRD). The paper describes the issues surrounding how innovative logistics techniques can be used to overcome border barriers to provide financing services to Hong Kong invested Processing Trade Enterprises (PTE) in PRD. The problems are identified for cross board financing. An analysis tool through risk transfer diagram is developed for service identification. Different financing instruments are reviewed using the tool developed in which the necessary financing logistics functions are identified. Service architecture is given for these financing logistics functions. A case study for cross border financing development in the context of bonded logistics parks shows that a cross border financing logistics park could be a viable approach to facilitating cross border financing development.

    • SSME 在欧洲的教学:Porto和Masaryk大学的一个联合硕士培养计划

      2009, 18(6):175-181.

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      摘要:Service Science, Engineering and Management (SSME) is emerging as a new discipline and several universities have been evolving or creating courses/programs to educate for the needs of the service fields of the economy. The University of Porto started in 2007 a master program in Service Engineering and Management, and Masaryk University started in 2008 a program in Service Science, Management, and Engineering. Both programs concentrate on services that are supported by technology, in particular information and communication technologies. This paper presents a summary of both programs and a proposal for a joint 2 year master program involving the two universities that is expected to start in 2010. Students in this program will take courses in the two universities, and lecturers will be involved in joint research projects. Individual students will have a semester research or applied project in a European service organization, being supervised by a lecturer or a researcher from each universities. It is expected that graduates will understand technological, organizational and cultural aspects of the diverse businesses in a wide European context and will be ready for service requirements of this century.

    • BibServSys:面向科技文献分析的服务系统

      2009, 18(6):182-188.

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      摘要:With the growing amount of bibliographies and expanding of scientific research, more in-depth research about bibliographic data is needed. The emerging of Complex Network makes a brand-new insight into the demanding. To provide a comprehensive bibliographic service, in this paper, we develop a service system, called BibServSys (Bibliographic Service System). We propose a methodology to construct a service system which makes its components and even itself reusable. The architecture of the BibServSys is elaborated with components, connectors in it. And at last we also take examples to show the comprehensive bibliographic service the system provided. Most parts of the paper are concentrated on the design and implementation of the system as well as the features of the system.

    • 一种基于语义的服务组装框架

      2009, 18(6):189-195.

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      摘要:Currently a large number of web services as well as other kinds of services such as EJBs, COM, and even Java Classes are made available to the general public. Facilitating the SOA based system development by leveraging such kinds of services becomes a challenge. A framework for service repository, ontology based service discovery and service composition is put forward. The service repository can maintain the web services, EJBs, and Java Classes with the functions such as service registration, publishing, discovery, matching, versioning, and monitoring. The details of service description are analyzed. A domain ontology for Procurement, Selling, and Inventory is also given. Based on the domain ontology and the service repository, the semantic enhanced service composition algorithm is discussed.

    • 基于SOA的电信行业数据挖掘应用平台研究

      2009, 18(6):196-202.

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      摘要:Building data mining application platform in telecommunications industry can take full advantage of business data in telecommunication systems to explore the potential patterns in user behavior and business trends, thereby providing more effective decision support to help enterprises cope with increasingly fierce industry competitions. This paper discusses data mining architecture and business demand for data mining in telecommunications industry, and on this basis puts forward an SOA-based data mining application platform solutions in telecommunications industry with the characteristic of integration, flexibility, and customization.

    • 绿色转型分析:数据中心碳排放管理的分析工具

      2009, 18(6):203-209.

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      摘要:There is increasing awareness that human activity may threaten delicate ecological systems. From evidence of global warming to concerns about water and soil toxicity, individuals and groups are asking what they can do to reduce their environmental impact. New technologies, processes and laws relating to carbon emissions and other environmental issues come forth and will seriously affect how companies operate in the future. Green transformation is increasingly a key management initiative in a corporate response to climate change. This paper presents a software tool, Green Transformation Workbench, which can help companies work toward the goals in logical, manageable stages as well as position them to reach the vision of a Sustainable Business and Corporate Social Responsibility. The Green Transformation Workbench provides a framework that aligns processes, people and infrastructure of an enterprise to realize targets on carbon emissions. It implements a methodical approach that was devised to analyze green transformation opportunities and make business cases for transformation initiatives and thereby provides decision-support to the consultants. The Workbench is a practitioner's tool for business transformation addressing the issues. The Green Transformation Workbench builds on IBM's component business model and offers a consolidated view into data center operational components, processes, metric and infrastructure. It provides an intuitive way to evaluate and understand various opportunities in infrastructure consolidation and operational improvement. It embodies structured analytical models, both qualitative and quantitative, to enhance the consultants' practices. It provides diagnostics in data center operations based on benchmark data and business case analyses to the proposed green solutions. The Green Transformation Workbench has been instantiated with data from real-world data centers and applied to address a client situation as a case study.

    • 服务营销范式的演进与变革

      2009, 18(6):210-215.

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      摘要:The theory of services marketing evolves fast, but the academic research on the service paradigm is few and far between. Using the tool of Kuhn's paradigm assumptions, the thesis clarifies the three stages of services marketing paradigm evolvement, and implies the innovation of service paradigm. The research findings show that service science is right direction for the development of the service paradigm, but not replacement, what matters is the regeneration of the old paradigms.

    • 第四核心资源

      2009, 18(6):216-218.

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      摘要:Productivity is the ability of resource exploitation. The improvement of resource exploitation capabilities forms an important indicator of human social development. At present, human society has already witnessed the three phases of land resource, natural resource and the information resource exploitation, and is entering into the era of service resource exploitation. Service embraces some special functions such as optimizing the allocation of resources, relocating social distribution, reducing trade costs, improving product quality and storing the developing power. Every new growth area in great social change comes from the service field. As informationization increases, the service resource will become the fourth core resource in human society after material, energy and information. The service resource exploitation ability is sure to be a sign of advanced productivity and superiority in social competition.

    • 敏捷服务工程标准

      2009, 18(6):219-224.

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      摘要:Similar to the software industry there are different models for the development, testing and management of services described in literature. The authors of this paper discuss the term of agility, show the boundaries of the Service Engineering proceedings described in literature, show how organizations are in permanent change and development and how this will influence the Service Engineering processes. Furthermore a theoretical design of an agile method for Service Engineering is presented.

    • 服务系统理论架构与建模

      2009, 18(6):225-230.

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      摘要:This paper proposed a theoretical framework of service system based on the theory of system science, and studied some related notions, such as the composition of a system, the relationship between systems, the system hierarchy structure, the evolution of a system, etc. In the next section, we discussed the modeling of service system and the future research work.






  • 《计算机系统应用》
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