
黑龙江省自然科学基金(LH2022F035); 黑龙江省普通本科高等学校青年创新人才培养计划(UNPYSCT-2020212); 哈尔滨商业大学“青年科研创新人才”培育计划(2023-KYYWF-0983)

Adaptive Elliptic Scope APF Path Planning Based on GSM-QGA
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    针对传统人工势场法(artificial potential field, APF)未充分考虑车辆避碰风险分布差异性和陷入局部极值导致路径规划失败的问题, 提出一种基于梯度统计变异量子遗传算法(gradient statistical mutation quantum genetic algorithm, GSM-QGA)的自适应椭圆作用域人工势场法. 在传统斥力场圆形作用域的基础上, 通过分析车辆和障碍物的相对运动状态, 定义斥力势场动态椭圆作用域计算方法; 同时对势场函数影响因素进行分析, 引入速度因素分别完成斥力势场函数和引力势场函数的设计; 将梯度统计变异量子遗传算法作为改进人工势场局部最优修正策略, 当车辆陷入局部极值往复运动时, 基于车辆当前位置构建伪全局地图, 规划可行路径跳出局部极值范围. 仿真实验结果表明, 改进算法规划的路径不仅可以有效避免车辆陷入局部极值, 减少车辆不必要的避障操作, 而且在路径平滑性和路径长度等方面相比于传统APF算法和固定椭圆域APF算法均具有优势, 所规划路径长度分别缩短6.37%和9.14%.


    To address the problems that the traditional artificial potential field (APF) does not fully consider the variability of vehicle collision avoidance risk distribution and that falling into local extremum leads to path planning failure, this study proposes an adaptive elliptic scope APF based on gradient statistical mutation quantum genetic algorithm (GSM-QGA). Based on the traditional circular scope of the repulsive field, the study designs a calculation method for the dynamic elliptic scope of the repulsive potential field by analyzing the relative motion state of vehicles and obstacles. At the same time, through the analysis of the influencing factors of the potential field function, the velocity factor is introduced to complete the design of the repulsive potential field and gravitational potential field function. The GSM-QGA is used as the local optimum correction strategy for the improved artificial potential field. When the vehicle falls into the local extremum and moves back and forth, a pseudo-global map is constructed according to the current position of the vehicle, and a feasible path is planned to jump out of the local extremum range. The simulation results show that the path planned by the improved algorithm not only can effectively prevent vehicles from getting stuck in local extremum and reduce unnecessary obstacle avoidance operations of vehicles but also has advantages over traditional APF algorithm and APF algorithm based on fixed elliptic scope in terms of path smoothness and path length. The length of the planned path is shortened by 6.37% and 9.14%, respectively.

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  • 收稿日期:2024-08-08
  • 最后修改日期:2024-09-19
  • 在线发布日期: 2025-01-16
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