
Dense Crowd Counting Algorithm Based on Multi-scale Feature Weighted Fusion Attention
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    针对人群计数面临的人头尺寸不统一、人群密度分布不均匀、背景复杂干扰等问题, 提出一种解决多尺度变化加强关注人群区域的卷积神经网络模型 (multi-scale feature weighted fusion attention convolutional neural network, MSFANet). 该网络前端采用改进的VGG-16模型对输入人群图像做第1步的粗粒度特征提取, 中间加入多尺度特征提取模块提取图像的多尺度特征信息. 随后添加注意力模块对多尺度特征进行特征加权. 后端利用锯齿状空洞卷积模块增大感受野, 以提取图像的细节特征, 生成高质量的人群密度图. 对该模型在3个公开数据集上进行实验, 结果显示, 在Shanghai Tech Part B数据集上MAE (平均绝对误差)达到7.8, MSE (均方误差)达到12.5. 在Shanghai Tech Part A数据集上MAE达到64.9, MSE达到108.4. 在UCF_CC_50数据集上MAE达到185.1, MSE达到249.8. 实验结果证实该模型有较好的准确度和鲁棒性.


    In response to challenges faced in crowd counting, such as non-uniform head sizes, uneven crowd density distribution, and complex background interference, a convolutional neural network (CNN) model (multi-scale feature weighted fusion attention convolutional neural network, MSFANet) that focuses on crowd regions and addresses multi-scale changes is proposed. The front end of the network adopts an improved VGG-16 model to perform the first step of coarse-grained feature extraction on the input crowd image. A multi-scale feature extraction module is added in the middle to extract the multi-scale feature information of the image. Then, an attention module is added to weigh the multi-scale features. At the back end, a sawtooth shaped dilated convolution module is adopted to increase the receptive field, extract the detailed features of the image, and generate high-quality crowd density maps. Experiments on this model are conducted on three public datasets. The results show that on the Shanghai Tech Part B dataset, the mean absolute error (MAE) is reduced to 7.8, and the mean squared error (MSE) decreases to 12.5. On the Shanghai Tech Part A dataset, the MAE is reduced to 64.9, and the MSE decreases to 108.4. On the UCF_CC_50 dataset, the MAE is reduced to 185.1, and the MSE decreases to 249.8. These experimental results affirm that the proposed model exhibits strong accuracy and robustness.

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