(1.遵义医药高等专科学校 信息技术网络管理中心, 遵义 563006;2.遵义医科大学 医学信息工程学院, 遵义 563006)
Modeling of Abnormal Workflow in Hospital Based on Polychromatic Set Theory
(1.Information Technology Network Management Center, Zunyi Medical and Pharmaceutical College, Zunyi 563006, China;2.School of Medical Information Engineering, Zunyi Medical University, Zunyi 563006, China)
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Received:December 20, 2019    Revised:January 19, 2020
中文摘要: 本文通过扩展多色集合与多色图的成分对医院异常工作流进行建模. 首先, 介绍工作流异常的研究进展情况; 其次, 阐述本文形式化所需理论—多色集合与多色图, 并且根据研究对象的特殊性, 扩展了多色集合中的成分, 构建个人颜色与体的围道矩阵, 表示异常事件与异常类型之间的关系, 多色图中新增了边与对象的围道矩阵, 描述异常处理行为弧的起始点与终止点, 构建了基于多色图的医院异常工作流处理模型; 最后, 以医院门诊挂号流程异常处理为例进行验证模型的正确性.
Abstract:This study models the abnormal workflow in hospitals by extending the components of polychromatic sets and polychromatic graph. First, the research progress of abnormal workflows is introduced. Second, the theories needed for formalization of this study—polychromatic sets and polychromatic graph are described. According to the particularity of the research object, the components in the polychromatic sets are expanded to construct personal colors and the enclosure matrix of the volume represents the relationship between anomalous events and anomaly types. The enclosure matrix of edges and objects has been added to the polychromatic diagram to describe the starting point and ending point of the arc of abnormal handling behavior, constructed an hospital abnormal workflow processing model based on polychromatic graph. Finally, the hospital outpatient registration process exception handling is used as an example to verify the correctness of the model.
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基金项目:国家自然科学基金(61861047); 遵义市红花岗区科学技术项目(遵红科合社字(2017)13号)
RAN Mei-Mei,WANG Xiao-Hua,HE Yan,YANG Min.Modeling of Abnormal Workflow in Hospital Based on Polychromatic Set Theory.COMPUTER SYSTEMS APPLICATIONS,2020,29(7):33-39