(1.中国科学院软件研究所 可信计算与信息保障实验室, 北京 100190;2.北京信息科技大学 理学院, 北京 100196;3.南方电网科学研究院有限责任公司, 广州 510080)
Integrity Measurement Method for Android Framework
(1.Trusted Computing and Information Assurance Laboratory, Institute of Software, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing 100190, China;2.College of Science, Beijing Information Science and Technology University, Beijing 100196, China;3.China Southern Power GRID, Guangzhou 510080, China)
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Received:January 28, 2019    Revised:February 26, 2019
中文摘要: 长期以来Android系统一直是黑客攻击的主要目标之一,自发布以来一直面临着root、镜像篡改、恶意程序等安全风险,框架层是在系统安全中容易被忽视但又能产生极高的安全风险.本文分析了Android系统中框架层的表现形式和框架层的使用方式,针对框架层特点提出了一种框架层完整性度量方法(FIMM),以此保障Android系统框架层代码完整性和运行时的完整性.对于Android系统针对框架层组件完整性保护的缺失,该方法能提供框架层组件在加载时的完整性度量和完整性校验.而对于Android的系统服务,我们考虑到其较长的运行周期的特征,于是研究了系统服务的调用过程并为其提供了较为细粒度的动态度量,在每次系统服务调用时确认系统服务进程代码段的完整性.最后我们给出了基于Android模拟器的原型系统的实现,并分析了FIMM的安全性和性能损耗,认为FIMM能完全达到我们的安全预期,并且只会造成少量的性能损耗.
Abstract:Android system has been one of main targets of hacking. Since its realease, it has been facing security risks such as root, image tampering, and malicious programs. System security usually overlooks framework layer which may cause high security risks. This study analyzes the component in Android framework and how it works. We present an Integrity Measurement Method for Android Framework (FIMM) to ensure Android framework's code integrity and runtime integrity. We focus on the issue of lack of protection for Android framework. The method is able to measure the integrity of component of Android framework and verity it. We consider that Android system service has a long running period, then we analysis the calling process for Android system services and present a dynamic integrity measurement for process providing fine-grained measurement. It measures and verities system service process every time system service is called. Finally, the FIMM impelemention based on Android emulator is discussed and presented. We believe that FIMM achieves the security goals, nevertheless, it causes a little performance loss as well.
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ZHOU Xing-Jin,QIN Yu,WU Qiu-Xin,XI Wei,ZHAO Shi-Jun.Integrity Measurement Method for Android Framework.COMPUTER SYSTEMS APPLICATIONS,2019,28(8):1-9