(1. 中国科学院大学 计算机与控制学院, 北京 100049;2.
2. 中国科学院 沈阳计算技术研究所, 沈阳 110168)
Optimal Strategy of Query Performance Based on K-means for SAMP System
(1. School of Computer and Control Engineering, Universiy of Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing 100049, China;2.
2. Shenyang Institute of Computing Technology, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Shenyang 110168, China)
本文已被:浏览 1415次   下载 1698
Received:December 10, 2018    Revised:December 29, 2018
中文摘要: 中科院仪器设备共享管理平台(以下简称为SAMP)系统有效解决了各科研单位间仪器设备管理封闭、共享困难和运行效率低的棘手问题.同时,可以及时了解各类仪器的使用情况、共享情况,为各级业务主管部门展开科学高效的管理工作提供良好的决策依据.当SAMP系统应用数据库中存储的数据量达到百万级时,对数据库中预约表和用户表(或仪器表)进行连接查询时,将导致数据表查询性能的下降,从而影响整个SAMP系统的性能.目前主流的解决方案是采用Hash取模算法对数据表进行水平切分,但预约表中的主键为自动递增的整数,并没有实际意义,所以优化效果不理想.由于预约的用户和被预约的仪器在地理区域上呈现一定的聚集性,因此本文提出了一种基于K-means聚类算法的分表策略,采用该策略能够将预约表的查询性能提升至少70%.
Abstract:Instrument and equipment sharing management platform for Chinese Academy of Sciences can solve the problems of closed management, difficult sharing, and low operation efficiency of instruments and equipment among scientific units effectively. Meanwhile, users can learn the using and the sharing situation of various instruments through the system. The SAMP system can provide decent decision-making basis for scientific and efficient management work of competent business departments at all levels. So when the data, which belong to the apparatus apply info table, reaches the million scale, the query performance will decline quickly because of using joining query. At present, the solution is using sharding, just like Hash fetching algorithm. Because of the meaningless ID, this way is ineffective. There is a certain degree of aggregation in geographical areas between users and instruments, so a strategy that based on the K-means algorithm is used in this study. The result shows it can improve the query performance at least 70%.
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MA Yue,WANG Zhe-Feng,YIN Zhen-Yu,WANG Chun-Xiao,LI Ming-Shi,LIAN Meng-Jia.Optimal Strategy of Query Performance Based on K-means for SAMP System.COMPUTER SYSTEMS APPLICATIONS,2019,28(6):69-75