(北京控制与电子技术研究所 信息系统工程重点实验室, 北京 100038)
Improved Mean Division Algorithm for Median Filtering
(Science and Technology on Information Systems Engineering Laboratory, Beijing Institute of Control and Electronic Technology, Beijing 100038, China)
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Received:June 20, 2016    Revised:August 11, 2016
中文摘要: 图像滤波是很多图像处理算法在图像预处理阶段采用的处理措施,而中值滤波不仅能够有效地去除图像中的噪声,而且可以保持图像的边缘细节,从而成为首选的图像滤波方法.由于中值滤波需要使用排序操作,其计算时间复杂度较高,而且在滤波窗口较大时,导致图像滤波耗费较长的时间,不能满足海量、高分辨率图像实时滤波处理的需求.在研究中值滤波基础上,提出一种改进的基于均值划分的快速中值滤波算法,实验表明,该算法可以有效地降低图像中值滤波的时间消耗,特别是在大尺度图像中,当滤波窗口较大时,能够显著降低图像滤波时间,同时,能够与传统中值滤波保持一致的效果,进一步增强了大尺度图像实时处理能力.
Abstract:Image filter is the method for image pre-processing in many image processing algorithms. Since, median filter not only can smooth image noise, but also can hold the image edge, it becomes the most used method in image filter. Median filter needs sorting operation, its time complex is very high. When filter window becomes larger, median filter will need more time, it cannot be used in large image real-time processing. Based on the median filter research, a faster median filter algorithm which is based median division is proposed. The proposed algorithm can reduce filter time effectively, especially in large scale image, when filter window is large, it becomes more remarkable. Compared with the traditional median filter algorithm, the proposed algorithm filter result can hold the preference as same as the traditional median filter algorithm, and it can be used on gray and color image. The experiment shows that the proposed median filter algorithm not only speeds up image filter speed, but also improves the real-time of image processing.
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LIU Hai-Feng,ZHANG Chao,LUO Jiang,LIN Fu-Liang.Improved Mean Division Algorithm for Median Filtering.COMPUTER SYSTEMS APPLICATIONS,2017,26(3):162-168