基于 GAs 模糊控制的掘进机截割电动机恒功率控制
(辽宁工程技术大学 机械工程学院, 阜新 123000)
Constant Power Control of Boom-Type Roadheader Cutting Motor Based on GAs Fuzzy Control
(College of Mechanical Engineering, Liaoning Technical University, Fuxin 123000, China)
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Received:August 11, 2011    Revised:September 04, 2011
中文摘要: 为了解决悬臂式掘进机截割随机分布的煤岩时载荷变化剧烈、能量消耗大、工作效率低的问题,利用遗传算法对悬臂摆动速度进行模糊控制,实现对截割电动机的恒功率控制。建立了掘进机悬臂水平摆动系统的仿真模型,利用Matlab 软件对模型进行仿真。结果表明:该系统较传统控制方式的悬臂摆动速度波动减小25.9%,截割电动机功率超调小5.0%,调节时间缩短0.1s,响应速度快、精度高,具有良好的控制特性,能根据截割煤岩的不同,自动调节悬臂摆动速度,降低了掘进机功率损失、提高了工作效率。
Abstract:In order to solve the problems of dramatic changes for loads, high energy consumption and low efficiency when a boom-type roadheader cut coal and rock in random distribution, using genetic algorithm is used to control fuzzily the boom swing speed to achieve constant power control of the cutting motor, a simulation model of the boom horizontal swing system was established, and simulation of the model was done with Matlab. Results show that the speed fluctuation of the system is reduced by 25.9%, the power overshoot of cutting motor is decreased by 5.0%, adjustment time is decreased by 0.1s compared with the traditional one, which indicates that the system has faster response, higher accuracy, as well as good control characteristics, it can automatically adjust the swing speed of roadheader according to different coal and rock, reduce the power loss of the machine and improve the working efficiency.
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基金项目:国家自然科学基金(59774033);国家煤矿安全监察局安全生产科技发展指导性计划(06-292);辽宁省大型工矿装备重点实验室(辽宁省第二批科学技术计划项目,2008403010);辽宁省安全生产监督管理局安全生产科技发展(辽安监规划[2009]88 号文)
李晓豁,刘志森,张飞虎,李烨健.基于 GAs 模糊控制的掘进机截割电动机恒功率控制.计算机系统应用,2012,21(5):149-152
LI Xiao-Huo,LIU Zhi-Sen,ZHANG Fei-Hu,LI Ye-Jian.Constant Power Control of Boom-Type Roadheader Cutting Motor Based on GAs Fuzzy Control.COMPUTER SYSTEMS APPLICATIONS,2012,21(5):149-152