Abstract:In the marine remote sensing image data processing and the characteristics of visual detection in the process of marine information, mesoscale vortex information detection is one category of the important content. Its results directly affect the accuracy of marine mesoscale vortex information retrieval. In order to improve the accuracy of the mesoscale vortex information extraction, the remote sensing images are detected step by step based on the imaging characteristics of mesoscale vortex and combined the technology of connected region extraction. According to the characteristics of the marine mesoscale vortex remote images, the features of marine mesoscale vortex are detected based on edge detection and the connected region extraction technology. The closed contour of the vortex in the image and the characteristic parameters of spiral vortex are extracted based on the shape and the scale criterion of the vortex. By using Matlab and C# hybrid programming, the mesoscale vortex automatic detection and visualization software are realized by combining the mesoscale vortex detection algorithm and the remote sensing data information. This method can improve the efficiency of the remote sensing image processing. The experiment results show that this method can achieve high mesoscale vortex information detection precision and has preferable detection effect.